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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Remember When...

Remember when when you used to pay your bills they included a prepaid postage stamped envelope?

Not since they discovered it cost them 37 cents to take my $532.02 medical payment and another 37 cents to take my $1010.21 house kinda pisses me off.

Really? you need that 37 cents form my 5 or 10 hundy?

Just what level of hell do you plan on spending eternity?

Insurance and mortgage companies are tools....that is about it.

Welcome To Detroit

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dianne Wilkerson Vs.The White Devil Keeping Her Down

Mass. Pol Accused of Stuffing Bra With Bribes
State Senator Charged With Taking $23,000 in Bribes in Sting Operation

An embattled Massachusetts state senator appeared in a federal courtroom today charged with taking $23,500 in bribes, including cash that she stuffed into her bra during a meeting at a tony Boston restaurant that was secretly videotaped by an undercover FBI agent, federal prosecutors said.

This still image (above) made from video, which was included in an affidavit filed by the FBI in federal...

Democratic state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson faces 40 years in prison after federal prosecutors outlined accusations that she accepted the bribes over an 18-month period in a money-for-legislative influence sting operation, prosecutors said. She had $6,000 in cash in her purse when she was arrested at her Roxbury home by nearly two dozen law enforcement officials, prosecutors said.

Photographs released by U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan showed Wilkerson stuffing 10 $100 bills into her bra at No. 9 Park restaurant last June. During another meeting with an undercover FBI agent two months later, Wilkerson took her granddaughter to accept a $1,000 kickback at the Fill-A-Buster restaurant, a famed political hotspot directly across the street from the Massachusetts State House, according to a 32-page affidavit filed in the case.

A federal complaint charges that Wilkerson accepted eight bribes totaling $23,500 over an 18-month period in exchange for her influence on Beacon Hill. Undercover agents posed as a property developer who wanted to build on state land, and another worked Wilkerson as a potential barroom owner willing to pay for a liquor license.

"She has a long history of acting as if she was above the law,'' said Assistant U.S. Attorney John McNeil during Wilkerson's initial appearance in court.

Wilkerson's attorney Max Stern insisted that his client was innocent. He also accused McNeil of trying to "character assassinate" Wilkerson by bringing up her past problems with the Massachusetts attorney general and campaign finance officials.

Wilkerson -– the state's only black state senator –- is a convicted tax cheat and a campaign finance scofflaw who has a long litany of legal problems that has marred her 15-year record as a lawmaker.

Earlier this month, the Massachusetts Bar began proceedings to disbar Wilkerson, an attorney, after an investigation determined that she lied and perjured herself while testifying in a Superior Courtroom on behalf of her nephew, a convicted murderer who was seeking a new trial.


And the democrats fail us as well.

Wilkerson -– the state's only black state senator –- is a convicted tax cheat and a campaign finance scofflaw who has a long litany of legal problems that has marred her 15-year record as a lawmaker.

I guess Wilkerson is Massachusetts' version of Kwami Kilpatrick....I thought Michigan was screwed, Wilkerson appears to have been doing a donkey punch on Massachusetts for a long time.

Greed gets them all, no matter the political affiliation.

Well I posted this one for the republicans out there who may feel I am picking on them exclusively...I ain't.

I still luv ya.

Welcome To Detroit

Kwami Kilpatrick Vs. Everyone

Kilpatrick in jail

Former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is now in jail, the first of 120 days for lying to "protect your political career," a judge said as he upbraided Kilpatrick for acting with "hubris and privilege."

Wayne Circuit Court Judge David Groner chastised Kilpatrick -- who often shook his head in apparent disagreement -- during a terse monologue. Groner declared that Kilpatrick knowingly lied about his romantic relationship with his former chief of staff and cost the city millions of dollars in the process.

"At a time when this city needed transparency, accountability and responsibility, you exhibited hubris and privilege at the expense of the city," Groner said.

Minutes of Groner's pronouncement, Kilpatrick left the courtroom, handed his wedding ring to his wife, Carlita, and headed for the Wayne County Jail, where he was given a jumpsuit and had his picture taken.

During a long and often contentious hearing, Groner was declarative in his finding: Kilpatrick knowingly lied during his testimony during the whistle-blower lawsuit brought -- and won -- by two former police officers.

"These lies were to cover up your wrongful dismissal of (two) police officers," Groner said. The result cost the city the $8.5 million it paid to the officers.

The sentencing ends nine months of revelations and admissions about and from the former mayor.

All told, Kilpatrick pleaded guilty to two counts of felony obstruction of justice in a deal that calls for 120 days in jail, payment to the city of $1 million in restitution and five years on probation during which he can't run for office.

 The sentence includes Kilpatrick's punishment for his no-contest plea to the assault of two investigators who tried to serve a subpoena on a friend at his sister's home. That charge was brought by Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox.

During the at-times testy hearing, attorneys and prosecutors exchanged charges, with Kilpatrick's team claiming that calls for additional penalties amounted to "piling on" and that Kilpatrick was being treated unlike other defendants.

That charge drew an emotional response from assistant prosecutor Robert Moran, who seethed his response, claiming that Kilpatrick had "held the city hostage for six months," denying the charges until he finally pleaded guilty in September, and only after Gov. Jennifer Granholm began a historic hearing on his removal.

"We don't need public servants who lie," Moran said, and who treat the community "as their own playground."

Afterward, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said she was satisfied with the decision.
In the end, Groner agreed to the four-month term initially set during plea negotiations. He also rejected calls for an additional $22,186 bill prosecutors sought, as well as a call for an anger management class for his confrontation with two court officers trying to serve a subpoena.
Groner said Kilpatrick "snapped" that day, but that there was no evidence of a pattern of angry behavior.

During the hearing, letters from prosecution investigators were read, portraying the former mayor as an out-of-control, intimidating bully who put their lives in danger.

Doug Baker, an attorney for Cox, read letters from Brian White and JoAnn Kinney, claiming they feared for their lives during a confrontation with Kilpatrick while they tried to serve a subpoena. Kilpatrick pleaded no contest to assaulting a court officer as part of a Sept. 4 plea deal.

Kinney wrote that the event "remains etched" in her mind forever. The former Detroit Police officer said the July 24 incident with Kilpatrick was the most dangerous of her career. Kilpatrick was accused of shouting obscenities at the officers and pushing White into Kinney as they attempted to serve a subpoena.

"I have never felt so helpless or unable to protect myself," Kinney wrote. She added that the then-mayor's bodyguards were with him during the incident at his sister's house and she worried she would get shot.

"Kilpatrick is more dangerous and frightening than any criminal I have ever encountered."
The statements were met with incredulity from Kilpatrick's supporters and his lawyers. 

Kilpatrick's attorney, Gerald Evelyn, equated them to "piling on." Leaving the courtroom, Kilpatrick's uncle, Marvel Cheeks, accused both investigators of lying.

"There is no way in the world Kwame Kilpatrick could be the most dangerous criminal they've ever encountered in their lives," Cheeks said. "I think they are saying it out of anger, revenge. They're trying to make it as bad as possible.

"They're trying to hang him. This to me is no different than the lynchings of the 1950s and 1960s. There is no justice. There should be no peace."

The hearing occasionally grew testy, as Kilpatrick's lawyers said they spent a long time agreeing to a deal, then had new penalties imposed today. At one point, Groner admonished a Kilpatrick attorney for talking too long, telling him he wanted to wrap-up the hearing.

Former city general counsel Sharon McPhail, who represented the mayor during Gov. Jennifer Granholm's ouster hearing, left the meeting and said she would have liked to have had an opportunity to address the court.

As she left the private meeting, she called the four-month jail term "overkill."

"Here's a guy with no criminal background going to jail. There are people who have killed people out on the streets," McPhail said after she left a meeting between Kilpatrick's attorneys and prosecutors. "Whatever that was done, hasn't he already paid a big price? Do we need to stomp and grind him into the ground?"

She left the hearing hours later in disgust, saying "I just don't know what's going on in there."
But she added: "I think we're all glad this chapter is over. I think dragging it out like this doesn't do anything for anybody."

After the sentencing, attorney Evelyn said that "under the circumstances, I'm convinced this is the best deal that could be achieved."

"Would I have liked a better deal for him? Absolutely. Do I feel like he deserved a better deal? Absolutely," Evelyn said. "But I wasn't the only one making the decision."
Another defense attorney, Todd Flood, was more blunt: "I don't think there were any winners today."

By about 5:30 p.m., Kilpatrick had left the courtroom and prepared to be processed at the jail. He's expected to be processed and given a used green jumpsuit with "Wayne County Jail" stenciled in the back.

Because the hearing dragged on so long, Kilpatrick will likely miss dinner. The jail was serving beef pot pie and Jell-O.


First off Thank You Wayne Circuit Court Judge David Groner for saying what no one else in all of Michigan had the balls to say.

"At a time when this city needed transparency, accountability and responsibility, you exhibited hubris and privilege at the expense of the city," Groner said.

Oh man this judge is right on the mark.

Minutes of Groner's pronouncement, Kilpatrick left the courtroom, handed his wedding ring to his wife, Carlita, and headed for the Wayne County Jail, where he was given a jumpsuit and had his picture taken.

What kind of woman puts up with this crap? I mean really?

Was Carlita grown on a government farm or what? 

Every woman I know is strong...strong enough to kick a guy's ass up and down the Detroit River if he tried anything approaching HALF of what King Kwami pulled.

Carlita...get some self respect...please.

During the at-times testy hearing, attorneys and prosecutors exchanged charges, with Kilpatrick's team claiming that calls for additional penalties amounted to "piling on" and that Kilpatrick was being treated unlike other defendants.

This is why defense attorneys are basically pieces of shit from Satan's anus...they will let lie after lie after lie fly from they're mouths like sonic diarrhea for a buck...I couldn't lie like that and face myself in the mirror....but they can.

That charge drew an emotional response from assistant prosecutor Robert Moran, who seethed his response, claiming that Kilpatrick had "held the city hostage for six months," denying the charges until he finally pleaded guilty in September, and only after Gov. Jennifer Granholmbegan a historic hearing on his removal.

"We don't need public servants who lie," Moran said, and who treat the community "as their own playground."

And Thank You Robert Moran, I will buy you a beer anytime.

Doug Baker, an attorney for Cox, read letters from Brian White and JoAnn Kinney, claiming they feared for their lives during a confrontation with Kilpatrick while they tried to serve a subpoena.Kilpatrick pleaded no contest to assaulting a court officer as part of a Sept. 4 plea deal.

Kinney wrote that the event "remains etched" in her mind forever. The former Detroit Police officer said the July 24 incident with 
Kilpatrick was the most dangerous of her career. 

Kilpatrick was accused of shouting obscenities at the officers and pushing White into Kinney as they attempted to serve a subpoena.

"I have never felt so helpless or unable to protect myself," Kinney wrote. She added that the then-mayor's bodyguards were with him during the incident at his sister's house and she worried she would get shot.

Did you read that part Carlita? Your husband, yeah the one with multiple mistresses...he scared a female cop so bad she says it will forever be in her mind....nice catch you got there.

What kind of man bulldogs a woman like that?

What a f-ing that what you learned from Mama Kwami?

Kilpatrick's attorney, Gerald Evelyn, equated them to "piling on." Leaving the courtroom,Kilpatrick's uncle, Marvel Cheeks, accused both investigators of lying.

I guess that's the same thing many people said about the two distinguished policemen Kwami fired isn't it?...The rank apple doesn't ever fall far from the rotting tree does it folks?

Former city general counsel Sharon McPhail, who represented the mayor during Gov. Jennifer Granholm's ouster hearing, left the meeting and said she would have liked to have had an opportunity to address the court.

As she left the private meeting, she called the four-month jail term "overkill."

Woman were they hoping to get a photo op and 120 days won't kill fact it's insufficient in most people's opinion...but then again your Kwami's main promo puppet aren't you?

This is what you tried so hard in your life for? To defend a adulterous, perjures liar?

Rethink your life and Carlita should start a support group or something.

FINALLY...this is over...until 5 years from now when Kwami runs again for mayor...I bet he wins too...because Detroiters are just plain stupid.

Welcome To Detroit

Monday, October 27, 2008

Barack Obama Vs. The Incest Twins

Arrests in Plan to Kill Obama and Black Schoolchildren

Two young men who are believers in “white power” have been arrested and charged in Tennessee in what federal officials described as a plan to assassinate Senator Barack Obama and kill black children at a school.

Federal officials said they regarded the scheme as “serious.” It does not appear to have moved to an advanced stage, according to court documents unsealed Monday, but officials said the two men did acquire several rifles and cased a home and a gun store to rob as part of the plan.

Federal officials said that both of the men who were arrested — Paul Schlesselman, 18, of West Helena, Ark., and Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn. — told interrogators that they had talked of assassinating Mr. Obama. Lawyers for the men could not be reached.

The two men “planned to drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows,” according to an affidavit filed in federal court in Jackson, Tenn., by an agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Mr. Obama has no plans to be in Tennessee, and the affidavit does not make clear whether the men had picked a place for an attack.

The assassination was to be the culmination of a “killing spree” that would also single out children at an unnamed, predominately black school, federal officials said. The men talked of “killing 88 people and beheading 14 African-Americans,” according to the affidavit.

The two men each had “very strong views” about Aryan white power and “skinhead” ideology, the federal officials said, and the numbers 88 and 14 have special significance in the white power movement. The number 88 is shorthand for “Heil, Hitler” — H is the eighth letter in the alphabet —and 14 signifies a 14-word mantra among white supremacists: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Officials said the two men met via the Internet through a mutual friend.

Concerns about possible plots against Mr. Obama have been acute because of his status as the first black presidential nominee from a major party. He has had Secret Service protection since May 2007, the earliest a candidate was ever assigned protection.

Mr. Cowart and Mr. Schlesselman were each charged with illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun, conspiracy to rob a firearms dealer and making threats against a presidential candidate. A detention hearing is scheduled for Thursday in Memphis.

“We honestly don’t know if they had the capability or the wherewithal to carry out the kind of plan that they talked about,” Malcolm Wiley, a spokesman for the Secret Service in Washington, said in an interview. “But we take any threat seriously no matter how big or how small it is.”


Where do you start with the brilliance here?

The two men “planned to drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows,”

Genius..sheer, unadulterated, inbred genius...

"C'mon we're a' gonna drive mah truck all fast n shit right at him and you hang outta the winder and shoot jus' as fast as you kin..."

The number 88 is shorthand for “Heil, Hitler” — H is the eighth letter in the alphabet —and 14 signifies a 14-word mantra among white supremacists: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Just say Heil Hitler and yadda yadda yadda....why do you have to use all this inspector gadget, double speak, crapola?

If your so proud say it the gays...your at least as proud as the gays aren't you?

The assassination was to be the culmination of a “killing spree” that would also single out children at an unnamed, predominately black school

C'mon grow a pair would you boys? School children? Really?

What kind of Aryan warriors are you for throwing down against kids?...sheesh.

Officials said the two men met via the Internet through a mutual friend.

Craigslist no doubt.

Mutual friend over the Internet? Like pedophiles do?....That's just too creepy on so many levels.

I am not sure if these two are the unfortunate product of inbreeding or pure grain, bath tub brewed white lightning.

Probably both.

Either way they will be making plenty of friends in the pokey...I hear they mix the white and black folks in there....good luck with that.

Welcome To Detroit

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Democrat For McCain

Democrats for McCain?

Isn't that like Jews for Hitler?

C'mon don't be an idiot.

As soon as you vote for a Republican it makes you a proponent of the Republican party ergo a Republican.

Your no longer a Democrat, your a with it.

It's not a dirty word even though I don't prescribe to Republican philosophy.

Just come out of the closet...your a Republican.

But back to my earlier statement...Democrat for McCain is an oxymoron...isn't that like being a Jew for Hitler?

Put it on a low boil in the easy bake oven you call your brain and think it over.

Welcome To Detroit

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Guns N' Roses - Hurray....yawn

Guns N' Roses to finally release `Democracy' album

After years of delay, Guns N' Roses is finally releasing "Chinese Democracy."

Geffen Records has announced that the band's eagerly awaited album will be released Nov. 23 at Best Buy stores and the retail chain's Web site.

"Chinese Democracy" is the first album of new Guns N' Roses material since 1991's "Use Your Illusion I" and "Use Your Illusion II."

The band, fronted by Axl Rose, has sold 90 million albums and made a splash in the '80s with the hits "Sweet Child o' Mine," "Paradise City" and "Welcome to the Jungle."

Their 14-track album includes the song "If The World," which is part of the soundtrack to the recent film "Body of Lies." The band recently completed a world tour.


Guns N' Roses from 1991?

From 17 years ago?

Isn't Axl the only original band member?

Isn't that more like Gun N' Rose?

Here's my prediction....Chinese Democracy will totally suck ass.

Lead singers are notoriously the least talented member of ANY musical group. (Just ask David Lee Roth)

By the simple fact alone that it took him 17 years to complete tells me this will be over thought, under inspired, 40 year old man, teen angst, drivel that Axl scratched his balls over thinking every track over and over and over again.

"Eagerly awaiting"...who the F was eagerly awaiting this piece of audio junk?

No one I know and GnR is my had your moment Axl, walk away knowing you got more than most and more than you deserved and be good with that.

Am I being bias?

Why yes I am, Axl has no talent, that makes me biased against this pathetic attempt to repopulate his shrinking bank account.

When you have lightning in a bottle it takes you a few days to cut a album, the music has legs and does all the talking.

It's only when they (the talent) "hit it big" that it takes 17 years to produce a total piece of crap.

Welcome To Detroit

Sarah Palin - $150,000 To Dress Like A Dork

Palin's Spending Spree Sheds Light on Campaign's Priorities

RNC Puts $150k of Lipstick on Pitbull Palin. What Will It Mean for Campaign?

Gov. Sarah Palin brags that she's not a member of the Washington elite, but she sure is dressing like them.

The RNC has reportedly picked up a hefty price tag to clothe the the governor.

Campaign finance documents show the Republican Party spent more than $150,000 on clothing and accessories for the vice presidential candidate and her family at a series of swank department stores, the sort of places that "Joe Six-Pack" probably could not afford.

"She's a Saks-Fifth-Avenue-Neiman-Marcus hockey mom," cracked veteran Democratic strategist and ABC News consultant Donna Brazile.

While she is not the first politician to use donations from political supporters on personal expenditures, it appears that she has spent more on clothing and makeup in a shorter period of time than any other candidate in history.

As first reported by, Palin spent $49,425.74 at Saks Fifth Avenue stores in St. Louis and New York. In September, the party spent $75,062.63 on a shopping spree at Neiman Marcus in Minnesota, just before the Republican National Convention.

Katherine Nelson, director of public relations at the Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis, said the store would not comment on its customers' purchases.

The RNC also spent $4,716.49 on hair and makeup in September, presumably for Palin.

Purchases were also made at Barney's ($789.72) and Bloomingdale's ($5,102.71) in New York, and, around the time of the Republican National Convention, at Macy's in Minneapolis ($9,447.71).

Some $196 was spent at a tony baby store call Pacifier. Palin has a 6-month-old baby. An additional $4,902.45 was spent at Atelier, a men's clothing store.



How many republicans or democrats make $150,000 a year?

How many republicans or democrats would spend $150,000 on clothes?

What could you do with $150,000?

How much of the latest $700,000,000 bail out do you owe on?

How hard do you have to work for $150,000?

How much is your house worth?

Do you own a house?

I certainly don't know any women who would spend $150,000 on their wardrobe.

Welcome To Detroit

Monday, October 20, 2008

Put That Thing Away... Thats Nasty!

Police arrest Mich. man for car wash vacuum sex

Police say a Michigan man has been arrested after "receiving sexual favors from a vacuum" at a car wash.

The Saginaw News reports the 29-year-old Swan Creek Township man was arrested Thursday in Saginaw County's Thomas Township, about 90 miles northwest of Detroit.

Police Sgt. Gary Breidinger says a resident called to report suspicious activity at the car wash about 6:45 a.m. An officer approached on foot and caught the man in the act.

The suspect, whose name wasn't immediately released, is being held in the Saginaw County Jail.


Seriously...I don't even know what to add...first the gay,cannibal chef now this.

Makes me proud to be from Michigan.

I always found those hoses too small though.

WTF? 6:45 A.M.?

What?...Was the local porn shop closed or just knocking one out at the handy-wash before work?

Welcome To Detroit

Christine Beatty Liked It When Kwami Put His Tounge....CENSORED

Judge will release text messages in Beatty trial

A Wayne Circuit Court judge today ordered the release of most of the estimated 200 text messages in the criminal trial of former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's chief of staff, Christine Beatty, but gave defense attorneys until Thursday to obtain a stay from the Michigan Court of Appeals.

The messages will be released Thursday barring any appeals court action.

Wayne Circuit Judge Timothy Kenny listened to arguments from prosecutors, who want to unseal a 200 message sample from more than 625,000 communications obtained under subpoena now being offered to verify Kilpatrick and Beatty sent and received the texts on city-owned pagers.

The judge told lawyers last week that the law favors release of at least some of the messages. He said he was concerned about specifically protected conversations, like discussions with lawyers or with spouses. But he warned Beatty's lawyers that he wasn't convinced by written arguments against release previously submitted to the court.

"Unless there is some good reason given, they aren't supposed to be sealed unless there is some compelling reason to do so," Kenny told the lawyers on Thursday. "Otherwise this is supposed to be done in the sunshine."


Good job to Wayne Circuit Judge Timothy Kenny.

Please allow justice to follow this through.

Christine Beatty's lawyers delayed only in the hopes of avoiding the media spotlight before her nasty cooter talk is divulged to the world.

Well Christine sorry but we are going to read every nasty piece of trash you wrote in order to, not to get off.... but to get to the bottom of the corruption involved in your insipid administration.

Welcome To Detroit

William Morton, Devon Bell, Derryck Brantley Named Detroit Bitches Of The Week

Three teens arraigned in Henry Ford High slaying

Three teens were arraigned today in 36th District Court in connection with last week's shooting near Henry Ford High School that left one student dead and three others injured.

Devon Bell and Derryck Brantley, both 18, and 15-year-old William Morton each were charged with one count of first-degree murder; three counts of assault with intent to commit murder; and one count of felony firearm. 

If convicted, they will serve life in prison.

Brantley is the son of Detroit homicide detective Derryck Thomas, and the car allegedly used in the shootings is registered to Brantley's mother, police said. 

Detroit Police on Friday turned the case over to Wayne County prosecutors because it involved a Detroit officer.

Prosecutor Kym Worthy then handed the case to Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, because Worthy said her office often worked with Thomas.

Magistrate Millicent Sherman denied bail to the three teens. A preliminary examination is scheduled for Oct. 30.

Christopher Walker, 16, a student at Henry Ford, was killed in the shootings that students say stemmed from a long-festering gang problem at the school.

Three other students also were shot, but were not targets, investigators said.

They are recovering from wounds that are not thought to be life-threatening.

Brantley's attorney, Otis Culpepper, said his client was a "witness at best."


The Lying bullshit continued;

Culpepper said Brantley was at the school to give his girlfriend, a Henry Ford student, a ride home.
"A friend asked if he could give another kid a ride and he gave him his keys and let him know his stuff in the trunk," he said.

Culpepper said Brantley drove the two youths to the high school. The teens got out and took their belongings from the trunk. 

Culpepper insisted that Brantley did not know there was a gun in the trunk.

"He heard shots and then the two got back in the car," said Culpepper. "He drove them for three blocks and then asked them to get out."

Culpepper said his client turned himself in to police over the weekend and was released on $50,000 bond. 

Culpepper asked Sherman to continue that bond but Donna Pendergast, a prosecutor with the Michigan attorney general's office, argued that new information had come forward in the case since then.

"Evidence is being developed to implicate the defendant (Brantley)," she said. "By the defendant's own statement, he took this person who had two guns drove them to where the shooting occurred, took the guns out the trunk and then let them back in the truck."


Witness at best?!?!?

HAW HAW HAW...lock their gangsta asses up and throw away the key.

These three are a menace to society.

Back in the olden days we called them MURDERERS.

Anything but a lasting punishment will leave them hardened and wanting for more.

Welcome To Detroit

Insurance Company Scum

Well I think I have just about had it with insurance companies.

If you work for an insurance company your a bottom feeder of the worst order.

You could say "'s just a job...I'm the server guy, janitor, administrative admin, whatever..."

Your part of the problem and simply don't have the balls to do anything about it do you?

Your participating in a system that is ripping apart everything this country stands for.

Totally and utterly destroying lives by charging grotesque fees for the gamble you won't get sick, have an accident, die...whatever.

The joke is on us.

We all get sick. 

We all have accidents.

We all die.

And we TRUST the insurance company will do us right when the time comes....they will not.

Insurance companies amazingly take your money without error from your check week to week to week to week but yet when it comes time to pay they suddenly become mentally retarded with an efficiency rivaling the brain dead.

Your check could take weeks, months or years to come to you...but they took your money flawlessly for years from your payroll didn't they?

I see those working for insurance companies as akin to Nazi sympathizers in WWII.

You complain about insurance cost but pull your pitifully small paycheck regardless week to week from them at the cost of human suffering don't you?

Your just scum.

How many of us have horror stories about insurance companies?

How many of us have good stories involving insurance companies?

Welcome To Detroit

Far Reaching Effects Of Economy

Detroit church shuts doors after 80 years

Allen Park resident Dianna Rigato lingered outside Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church on Sunday after Mass had ended, reluctant to say her final goodbye to the southwest Detroit church, the site of so many memories. Rather than merge with another parish, the congregation voted to close the 80-year-old church after their pastor, the Rev. Robert Cini, announced he was retiring because of health and age, Rigato said.

The final Mass was said Sunday, and the churchgoers later hung a purple ribbon from the church doors to mark its closing.

"We chose to close so we could close with dignity and celebration," Rigato said.

Across Metro Detroit, Catholic churches have been forced to close or merge as the population has shifted and because the number of priests has declined. Parishes are evaluating themselves to see how they fit into the Archdiocese of Detroit's strategic five-year plan for parishes and schools called "Together in Faith."

In addition to the pastor's retirement, attendance at Our Lady of Mount Carmel has dwindled.

The parish, not far from Ford Motor Co.'s sprawling Rouge complex, was established in 1927 when a bishop assigned a priest the task of establishing a parish for the southwest Detroit community known as "Little Italy," according to the commemorative booklet handed out Sunday.

Italian, Polish, Hungarian and French immigrants who worked in the nearby factories comprised the congregation.

In the 1970s, the parish had 500 families. About 80 families attend the church today, said Parish Council President Frank Bartel, 58, of Southgate.
"We are losing a parish, but we are losing a friend, as well, because Father is going back to Malta," Bartel said.

For Rigato, the church was where she was married, where her six daughters were baptized and where, five years ago, the funeral of one of her daughters was held.

As Cardinal Adam Maida, archbishop of Detroit, wrote to parishioners: "While the Ford Motor Company was busy producing automobiles in its Rouge River Plant to physically move people, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish was busy proclaiming the Word of God and celebrating the Sacraments to spiritually move people."

"I think it's kind of a grieving process," Rigato said of the tears shed by the parish.

"We chose to close it, but for a lot of us, it was a big part of our lives."


What you just read, aside from being a sad state of the priority many of us give to ANY moral or ethical discipline, is the auto industry failing in Metro Detroit is now showing just how far and how deep it's economic effect will reverberate.

You don't just replace 80 year old congregations, multiple generations of faithful do not just come into being.

Regardless of your faith or mine, this is bad news.

Somewhere a church supply outlet is now one customer short, various church employees are now out of work, numerous families must now find a new congregation if possible, no water or electric of gas will be purchased by this church, no community outreach will come from the empty church, and on and on....

What do I expect next?

Vandalism, copper being stripped from the building.

A shell of a building sitting roadside for years decaying.

Crime, as drug users and others make use of it's shelter.

Threat of injury to kids.

A fire hazard as the less creative and more bored of the Metro Detroit area try to light it up annually on Devil's night.

Welcome To Detroit

When A Cannibal Has You For Dinner

Cannibal chef given life sentence

A chef who stabbed his lover to death before cutting flesh off his thigh and cooking and eating it has been jailed.

Anthony Morley, 36, the first winner of Mr Gay UK, was told he would serve a minimum of 30 years in prison for the murder of 33-year-old Damian Oldfield.

Morley was convicted of murdering Mr Oldfield at his home in Bexley Avenue, Leeds, by a jury at the city's Crown Court on Friday.

The judge said the murder was "one of the most gruesome" he had encountered.
Morley slashed Mr Oldfield's throat before stabbing him several times.

Sentencing, Judge James Stewart QC said: "Not only did you murder your victim by cutting his throat and stabbing him but you cut him up, cooked him and ate part of him.

"Before this case I had associated cannibalism with eras long gone, with the tale of Robinson Crusoe. No longer.

"You have plumbed depths rarely encountered in our court."

As Judge Stewart set out how long Morley would spend behind bars, there was applause from the public gallery and a shout of "murderer".

Morley, who won the first Mr Gay UK title in 1993 had previously had some kind of relationship with openly gay Mr Oldfield, the court was told, and the pair had arranged to meet on the day of the murder.

They later went back to Morley's house, where the defendant prepared a meal for them both before the pair went upstairs to his bedroom.

Morley later walked into a nearby takeaway wearing a bloodstained dressing gown and flip-flops and told staff and police he had killed someone because they tried to rape him.

During the trial, Morley said he could not remember killing Mr Oldfield, who sold advertising space for gay lifestyle magazine Bent, or any of his subsequent actions.

He had denied murder on the grounds of provocation or diminished responsibility.


So what news do you break to your parents first? 

The fact your gay or your hunger for human flesh?

This is sooo friggin' creepy...who even thinks of doing stuff like this?

No not smoking pole but eating your former friend with benefits as some kind of post coitus celebration.

"C'mon over and I'll make you dinner, we can go upstairs and see where it takes us" probably did not entail the host eating your flesh as part of the victim's mental list of things that might happen on his date.

How f-d up do you have to be to do something like this?

What happens during your childhood to make you end up a gay cannibal chef?

I mean...REALLY...what are the odds? 

This couldn't even have come out of Hollywood and they think up some wild shit.

Why jail him, isn't this one of the better arguments for the death penalty?

By the way...What are you doing for lunch today?

Welcome To Detroit

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Technology Works For Mankind

The world began.

Life eventually evolved after millions of years of nothingness.

From one celled blobs of goo finally to evolve to giant dinosaurs walking the Earth.

The world blighted by an asteroid and life begins anew.

A naked ape uses a tool made from a rock and the human race begins.

Technology grows at a snail's pace for tens of thousands of years until finally man begins to communicate at levels previously never conceived of by way of the computer.


Finally after millions of years of evolution, creation and destruction....

Mankind produces it's finest creation....

Welcome To Detroit

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dick Cheney or Darth Vader? You decide.

Cheney home after heart returns to normal rhythm

Vice President Dick Cheney was treated "without complication" Wednesday for an abnormal heartbeat, his office said, making a short visit to a hospital to restore his normal rhythm with an electric shock.

It was the second time in less than a year that Cheney, a 67-year-old with a history of four heart attacks, had experienced and been treated for an atrial fibrillation, an abnormal rhythm involving the upper chambers of the heart. The episode caused the vice president to cancel his attendance at a political campaign event in Illinois.

Sensing a problem early Wednesday, Cheney saw the White House physician, who discovered the vice president was experiencing a recurrence of the irregular heartbeat. Cheney participated in regular morning briefings with President Bush, among other duties, and remained working at the White House until he went to George Washington University Hospital in the afternoon for treatment.

Cheney has had four heart attacks, starting when he was 37, and many heart-related doctor's and hospital visits over the years since. He has had quadruple bypass surgery and two artery-clearing angioplasties. In 2001, he had a special pacemaker implanted in his chest. The pacemaker's battery was replaced last year, and then the entire device was replaced.



Personally I think Dick Cheney is possibly leader of a new cyborg rebellion.

Maybe God has been trying to take this dude out the last 4 or 5 times and we keep never know.

And what the hell is a SPECIAL pacemaker? I know people with pacemakers and they are all special.

Especially the cost, usually about $5000 for the surgery and $45,000 for the pacemaker here in Michigan...pretty damn special if you ask me or have no insurance yourself.

I am guessing Cheney's "steel heart of doom" pacemaker has security measures to keep it from getting hacked since they all can pretty much can be interrogated or reprogrammed remotely...a really smart 14 year old without a girlfriend or xbox to occupy his time could probably screw with it without such safe guards in place.

I am also guessing Cheney has government insurance? 

So his SPECIAL pacemaker probably exceeded the run of the mill $45,000 model the little people get and we of course picked up the tab for the new exalted leader of the cyborg empire....may he live another thousand years...sheesh.

There are only a few big players in the pacemaker business so someone somewhere has the "secret codes" to Dick's heart locked in their office vault or just sitting out on the desk.....weird huh?

People are dying in this country in hospital waiting rooms because of paper work snafus caused by the money grubbing insurance industry and this guy has a doctor on call 24/7.

I am betting the doc makes a pretty damn good wage too. 

Just sitting around, surfing porn, waiting around for these idiots to have a painful bowel movement, need the occasional mother's little helper or a just as a fourth on the golf course.

What other SPECIAL things do the executive branch of government get?

Welcome To Detroit

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Paradox Of Google

Got this in the morning Google news...not sure if I should have milk or not now.

Welcome To Detroit

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thomas Suozzi - Wall Of Shame Or Hypocrisy In A Public Forum?

Nassau's 'Wall of Shame' archive

The office of Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi releases the photos of individuals charged with DWI. His office excludes defendants who are under the age of 19. The gallery represents the charge at the time of the photo. will not be updating the status of these cases. All are presumed innocent unless proven guilty.


Don't get me wrong I am no fan of DWI but isn't this a little hypocritical?

Why not have pedophilia suspects, murder suspects, burglary suspects, etc?

DWI is typically just a misdemeanor unless injury or repeat offense occurs.

If this newspaper had any real balls they would be throwing up the felony suspects.

According to this "news organization's" turned judge, jury , executioner own disclaimer on the page, "All are presumed innocent unless proven guilty." 

They are, in theory, innocent according to this country's judicial system.

The same judicial system that protects the papers first amendment right to free speech if I am not mistaken.

(technically it should be "presumed innocent UNTIL proven" guilty but hey they are just a world wide news reporting outlet. Who is watching or reading anyways, right? I think it is hilarious when newspapers have no firm grip on the native language of their own medium.)

I also like the way says they "will not be updating the status of these cases."

So in the off chance someone IS found innocent Newsday won't print any retraction, just let the public humiliation of the innocent ride out over the next century on the web....nice.

Wouldn't presumed innocence until proven guilt apply to ANY of the offenders they could publish?

If that is what the newspaper is using to exonerate themselves they are on thin ice.

They don't have the balls to publish the mugshot photos of ALL criminal suspects...the paper has taken it upon themselves to only routinely publish DWI mugshot photos of persons accused but not yet judged in a court of law.

I smell hypocrisy at the least and class action lawsuit at the worst.

What happened to impartial news reporting.

Who do the print media think they are? Bloggers?

P.S. Some of the photos ARE hilarious, you should check them out on that basis alone. 

Welcome To Detroit

Destroy Democracy In 3 Easy Lessons

NYC Council Speaker backs mayor in extending terms

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn said yesterday she would support Mayor Michael Bloomberg's bid to extend city term limits to allow for continuity of leadership during the financial crisis.

"In these difficult times, I believe voters should have the choice to keep the current leadership," said Quinn, who had been considered a likely candidate for mayor in 2009. "If voters are not happy with any of us, they have the right to vote us out of office next November." Bloomberg, a Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent, is due to leave office at the end of 2009. He announced last week that he would push for City Council legislation to give city officials the option of running for a third term. Voters set the current limit - two consecutive four-year terms - in a 1993 referendum and reaffirmed it three years later.

A City Council member opposed to Bloomberg's plan has introduced a competing proposal that would require a voter referendum on any change in the term-limit law.

Quinn said at a City Hall news conference that she had decided to support Bloomberg's proposal "after careful conversations with my colleagues and careful deliberation." As the council's leader, Quinn wields considerable influence with its members, many of whom have not decided how to vote on the issue.

Quinn said Bloomberg had promised no quid pro quo in return for her support, nor had she threatened council members with the loss of perks and committee chairmanships if they opposed Bloomberg's bill.

Elected officials who oppose Bloomberg's plan said any change in the law should go before the voters, not be left up to the 51-member council.


Isn't this how Rome burned?

If a children's story like Star Wars used the theme of term limit suspension to overthrow a Democracy you would think the people of New York would be smart enough to be up in arms over this.

Their "council" is apparently rolling over like puppy dogs for this.

I wonder why?

Welcome To Detroit

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Paulson Orders The Printing Press To Fire Up

Paulson Indicates Need to Purchase Bank Equity `Soon as We Can'

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson indicated that pumping government funds into banks is a priority and said financial markets will remain volatile.

``We see the need -- a clear, present need -- to raise capital,'' Paulson said yesterday at a press conference after a meeting in Washington of finance ministers and central bankers from Group of Seven countries.

The purchases of stock, the newest part of a rescue plan engineered by Paulson, would be aimed at sustaining banks and other financial institutions through the worst credit crisis in seven decades.

The U.S. Congress last week passed legislation allowing the Treasury secretary to spend as much as $700 billion to buy mortgage securities and other troubled assets and to purchase equity in banks. Paulson declined yesterday to give a timetable or details about the purchases.

``We're going to do it as soon as we can do it and do it properly and do it effectively and right,'' Paulson said. ``Trust me, we are not wasting time; people are working around the clock to deal with this.''


Quick print all the money we can and devalue what little existing money we have left!


Is this what higher education churns out of it's hallowed halls?

Watch this folks I will explain it very simply.
  1. Government wants to buy bank stock to stimulate monetary liquidity.
  2. Government has no money
  3. Government asks the Federal Reserve to print the money it needs to make said purchase.
  4. The $10 bucks left in your wallet is now worth $1.25
Here is another helpful hint.

Every time you see or hear Henry Paulson saying "The Government will buy, spend, etc" substitute the word government with U.S. citizens.

Money is not created with wealth in the U.S. it is created instantaneously by creating debt the moment it rolls off the printing press in the form of a Federal I.O.U.

When the Fed prints money (upon request from The Government) say $100 bucks, the national deficit grows by $100 bucks.


That's right there is no gold or silver to back it up it is backed up instantly by debt creation.

So every time you hear Henry OR George saying;

"The Government" think of that word as you.

and when they say;

"will spend $700 trillion to ...get hookers, salmon pate', oil, guns, stocks or whatever" think of printing newly minted money and the bill goes to the national debt

The national debt...that should be self explanatory;

"National" meaning everyone in the U.S. and "Debt" meaning what we now owe and have to pay back by producing the work the Government promised we would perform in the first place when it asked the Fed to print the money

Then taking the money we just made in the form of taxation to spend all over again with no civilian oversight whatsoever.

If the Government doesn't have enough money after taxing everyone for all the crap they just "have to have", they ask the Fed to print more and the hilarity continues all over again until your in your grave.

Picture the hooker/pimp relationship of getting f-d and giving your money to the pimp and you pretty much have it down.

There, that should put things in the proper perspective.

See how that works?

Isn't this fun?

We're learning U.S. national economics and our pimp said we were "good fer nuthin ho bags."

Now when Henry says things like "We are going to do it now; clear and present need; need capital; etc." he has no f-ing clue what he is doing and he just wants to throw money at the problem to make it go away.

And why not?

Henry has an unlimited bank account because his bitches are out there working the streets for him.....ahem.....I mean Henry, George and the Government at large can get as much money as they want, whenever they want.

A golden goose without the shit covered eggs to deal with.

Thus smorgasbord, buffet, ala carte inflation courtesy Henry Paulson.

Want to fix it?

Here is how:

Put the federal note (money) bank on a Gold or Silver standard. (i.e. $1 represents $1 worth of gold or silver that would be in a vault say at Fort Knox.)

Why doesn't the Government want to do this?
  1. The Government could no longer print all the money they want, so they couldn't buy everything they wanted whenever they wanted.
  2. The Government couldn't afford to maintain even half of what they are doing now. (wars, covert ops, insurgency efforts, guns, gitmo, wiretapping, ships, spy satellites, tanks, space based weapons, etc.)
  3. It would hurt the current U.S. comfort level (you and I), our quality of life wouldn't go down so much (it may go up if you actually turned off the XBOX and did shit with your kids for a change) but our standard of living sure as hell would go down (no more Concorde flights, dang it).
  4. National then global extinction of superfluous occupations...i.e. middle men who don't actually produce anything will go bye-bye, only occupations with worth would survive the transition. (Want a cesspool dug? That will be $1000, you want to short sell my investment portfolio to make enough capital to do what again?....yeah don't need that, but you can dig my cesspool).
  5. We probably would need a vault the size of Mammoth Caves in Tennessee to store the amount of precious metal needed to equate to our current level of national debt....nope that is probably way too small come to think of it.
But like it or not we may come to this point regardless of our wishes.

Hyper inflation always signifies the imminent collapse of a society.

When your bread reaches $30 bucks a loaf, you'll know whats going down.


But why worry?

Henry Paulson, George Bush and the Federal Reserve got this one.

Now let's see what Tila Tequila is dry humping on T.V.

Welcome To Detroit

Friday, October 10, 2008

Some Bush Rose Garden Rhetoric

Detroit Daily News Prediction vs. Reality

Original post

Well here are (were) my predictions:

  • Bush will say he has decided to take decisive action.
  • Bush will say everything will be ok in the long run but we have to "tough it out".
  • Bush will say the new legislation will slow down any down turn ( he won't say it will stop it or reverse it.)
  • And of course the obligatory "Goodbye and God Bless".

Below I have highlighted my correct guesses from the white house transcript.


The verbiage is open to interpretation but I think I scored 4 of 4.

President Bush Discusses the Economy
Rose Garden

10:25 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Over the past few days, we have witnessed a startling drop in the stock market -- much of it driven by uncertainty and fear. This has been a deeply unsettling period for the American people. Many of our citizens have serious concerns about their retirement accounts, their investments, and their economic well-being.

Here's what the American people need to know: that the United States government is acting; we will continue to act to resolve this crisis and restore stability to our markets. We are a prosperous nation with immense resources and a wide range of tools at our disposal. We're using these tools aggressively.

The fundamental problem is this: As the housing market has declined, banks holding assets related to home mortgages have suffered serious losses. As a result of these losses, many banks lack the capital or the confidence in each other to make new loans. In turn, our system of credit has frozen, which is keeping American businesses from financing their daily transactions -- and creating uncertainty throughout our economy.

This uncertainty has led to anxiety among our people. And that is understandable -- that anxiety can feed anxiety, and that can make it hard to see all that is being done to solve the problem. The federal government has a comprehensive strategy and the tools necessary to address the challenges in our economy. Fellow citizens: We can solve this crisis -- and we will.

Here are the problems we face and the steps we are taking:

First, key markets are not functioning because there's a lack of liquidity -- the grease necessary to keep the gears of our financial system turning. So the Federal Reserve has injected hundreds of billions of dollars into the system. The Fed has joined with central banks around the world to coordinate a cut in interest rates. This rate cut will allow banks to borrow money more affordably -- and it should help free up additional credit necessary to create jobs, and finance college educations, and help American families meet their daily needs. The Fed has also announced a new program to provide support for the commercial paper market, which is freezing up. As the new program kicks in over the next week or so, it will help revive a key source of short-term financing for American businesses and financial institutions.

Second, some Americans are concerned about whether their money is safe. So the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the National Credit Union Administration have significantly expanded the amount of money insured in savings accounts, and checking accounts, and certificates of deposit. That means that if you have up to $250,000 in one of these insured accounts, every penny of that money is safe. The Treasury Department has also acted to restore confidence in a key element of America's financial system by offering government insurance for money market mutual funds.

Thirdly, we are concerned that some investors could take advantage of the crisis to illegally manipulate the stock market. So the Securities and Exchange Commission has launched rigorous enforcement actions to detect fraud and manipulation in the market. The SEC is focused on preventing abusive practices, such as putting out false information to drive down particular stocks for personal gain. Anyone caught engaging in illegal financial activities will be prosecuted.

Fourth, the decline in the housing market has left many Americans struggling to meet their mortgages and are concerned about losing their homes. My administration has launched two initiatives to help responsible borrowers keep their homes. One is called HOPE NOW, and it brings together homeowners and lenders and mortgage servicers, and others to find ways to prevent foreclosure. The other initiative is aimed at making it easier for responsible homeowners to refinance into affordable mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration. So far, these programs have helped more than 2 million Americans stay in their home. And the point is this: If you are struggling to meet your mortgage, there are ways that you can get help.

With these actions to help to prevent foreclosures, we're addressing a key problem in the housing market: The supply of homes now exceeds demand. And as a result, home values have declined. Once supply and demand balance out, our housing market will be able to recover -- and that will help our broader economy begin to grow.

Fifth, we've seen that problems in the financial system are not isolated to the United States. They're also affecting other nations around the globe. So we're working closely with partners around the world to ensure that our actions are coordinated and effective. Tomorrow, I'll meet with the finance ministers from our partners in the G7 and the heads of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Secretary Paulson will also meet with finance ministers from the world's 20 leading economies. Through these efforts, the world is sending an unmistakable signal: We're in this together, and we'll come through this together.

And finally, American businesses and consumers are struggling to obtain credit, because banks do not have sufficient capital to make loans. So my administration worked with Congress to quickly pass a $700 billion financial rescue package. This new law authorizes the Treasury Department to use a variety of measures to help bank [sic] rebuild capital -- including buying or insuring troubled assets and purchasing equity of financial institutions. The Department will implement measures that have maximum impact as quickly as possible. Seven hundred billion dollars is a significant amount of money. And as we act, we will do it in a way that is effective.

The plan we are executing is aggressive. It is the right plan. It will take time to have its full impact. It is flexible enough to adapt as the situation changes. And it is big enough to work.

The federal government will continue to take the actions necessary to restore stability to our financial markets and growth to our economy. We have an outstanding economic team carrying out this effort, led by Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, SEC Chairman Chris Cox, and FDIC Chair Sheila Bair. I thank them and their dedicated teams for their service during this important moment in our country's history.

This is an anxious time, but the American people can be confident in our economic future. We know what the problems are, we have the tools we need to fix them, and we're working swiftly to do so. Our economy is innovative, industrious and resilient because the American people who make up our economy are innovative, industrious and resilient. We all share a determination to solve this problem -- and that is exactly what we're going to do. May God bless you.


END 10:33 A.M. EDT

Welcome To Detroit