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Thursday, May 28, 2009

JoAnn Watson Steals From Detroiters Then Laughs

Joann Watson Steals From Detroit Then Laughs


"If anyone here in this circle received a bill and you've argued to pay more, just raise your hand."

-- Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson at a weekend news conference where she defended her failure to point out that the city had erroneously taxed her two-story home as a vacant lot for 10 years. Her request for a show of hands prompted laughter from her supporters.



Congratulations Detroit, you f-d yourselves up the ass again.

Keep voting scum like this into City Council and this is what you get.

Theft from the taxpayer at the highest levels of Detroit government.

Theft in in this amount anywhere else in the United States is a felony, not in Detroit.

This was not theft from Detroit and Detroiters by "the man", effects from white flight, envious scheming from the burbs...this is theft from your elected that again YOUR ELECTED officials.

Everyone around the metro Detroit area is decrying the impending seizure by the state of Michigan of the Detroit Public School system because Detroit government can't even supply toilet paper to it's students and everyone in Detroit is also lamenting the soon to be seizure of COBO Hall and the Detroit Auto Show because of mis-management and back at Detroit City Council its business as usual where over the past decade this old bag of ethics, JoAnn Watson is stealing right from your pocket Detroit..... go her in again, and again, and again.

Your city is in ruins around your feet from your elected officials theft, mis-managment and ineptness and your too stupid to realize the truth of it...that you could have voted them out decades ago.

JoAnn Watson, by stealing from YOU taxpayer, has managed to get her garbage picked up for $68 dollars a year in taxes among any other Detroit municipal services supplied and paid for by the taxpayers that she SELF ADMITTEDLY was aware of yet failed to come clean.

JoAnn's neighbors are paying upwards of $2500 a year in taxes, I wonder which way they will vote next election?

ON A LIGHTER NOTE: I love the irony that the guy in the photo above has a stop evictions and foreclosures shirt on behind JoAnn, shit if other Detroiters didn't have to pay taxes on their property they would never even need a rally for aid, just throw some of the money you stole back at these people's delinquent taxes JoJo, you could actually help Detroit and Detroiters by just being honest.

Imagine that.

Welcome To Detroit