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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

OK, So Whats This Gonna Cost?


WASHINGTON — The proposed government rescue of the nation’s two mortgage finance giants should appear on the federal budget as a $25 billion expense, the independent Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday, but officials conceded that there was no way to really know what, if anything, a bailout might cost taxpayers.

What What WHAT ?!?!?

Federal budget dollars do not come from republican Narnia, they come from us, it's citizens... NOWHERE all of Washington retarded?

Current US population is:
303,824,646 (July 2008 est.)

(Source is the CIA so it must be true, why would they lie?)

SO...According to the total population from tiny infant to iron lung elderly, we each owe $82.28.

(Let me rephrase this: you start a business, fail, then ask for $82.28 from everyone in the country to make it all better, NOW does it sound wrong?)

82 bucks doesn't sound like much until you figure it's only because of greed by two (2) corporations.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. How stupid are these names anyhow? I suppose they are there to make them sound friendly, like a neighbor from down the block, might give me a brewski during a BBQ...or ask for $82 dollars from every fucking living, tax paying organism in the United States because their executive officers were too fucking greedy and knew, KNEW a government bail out would be a prime requisite because the potential damage would be too great to the U.S. to ignore and since they had virtually NO REGULATION from the elected officials whom they previously lobbied HEAVILY, so it couldn't be blamed on the the officers of the corporations and they can walk away (WALK AWAY) with grotesque profits....whew I feel better.

No actually I don't.

It makes me sick.

What if I have to pay this a year or two from now, (by pay I mean make the over paid executive failures go away.) adjusted for inflation which could run into depression levels at any minute?

2010 = $200?
When? When do we pay and how much will it be adjusted for inflation? How rich will the executive officers of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae be then?

Will they be criminally liable? HA HA HA I know just kidding, they give to campaigns, they are not punished by officials they elected.

Welcome to Detroit

My Only Call For A Job From A Rip Off Company

Well I finally get a call for an interview, Universal Gas and Electric they want to meet me for an interview, cool I think.

During the call the secretary (not administrative assistant, a secretary is a secretary get over it.) did a couple of things wrong that set my radar off.

She mentioned that her boss got my resume of yahoo hot jobs or something of the sort, no they didn't.

I never posted it there, I applied off another site, Michigan Career Builder, they of course had it described in a sufficiently ambiguous way as to make the nature of the business totally impossible to determine.

Secondly she wanted me to make sure I brought a valid state ID with me as they like to hire on the spot.

No self respecting company hires on the spot and they certainly don't ask prospects to make sure they bring valid ID, it's an assumption you aren't a felon or totally retarded.

So I look up the company, find their corporate web site , ok no problem there but any 13 year old can set up a damn good web site in about 20 minutes.

I dig deeper and oh the complaints, seems this company has been ripping off folks for years.

Here are some samples of their delightful customer service record.

I think I am going to pass on this one, it's hard enough finding a job without having this on my resume.

Welcome to Detroit

Just How Bad Off Is Detroit In Dollars?

Just how bad of is Detroit in a language we can all understand?

The Detroit riots of 1967 cost an estimated $50,000,000 in loss.

The current deficit for the district of Detroit is $400,000,000.

Thats a cost 8 times greater that what a race riot caused.

Detroit has no deficit reduction plan, no budget plan, no elected official even making note of this fact and proposing anything in the way of a solution.

Metropolitan Division Unemployment (Not Seasonally Adjusted)

In May, the Detroit-Warren-Livonia, Mich., metropolitan area posted unemployment rates: Detroit-Livonia-Dearborn, 10.2 percent.

Nationally, The number of unemployed persons was essentially unchanged in June, at 8.5 million, and the unemployment rate held at 5.5 percent.

In real numbers that means, everywhere else unemployment is 1 of every 20 people, in Detroit it's 1 of every 10 people.

Way to go Detroit and more importantly way to go citizens of Detroit, whom have shown incredible ignorance and bigotry in electing a totally unqualified Mayor and City Council solely on the basis of race. Your elected officials have sunk the city into a depression of economy only seen in third world countries.

You get everything you deserve.

Welcome to Detroit