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Friday, July 11, 2008

Smart? The state sez I is certifiable!

Ah, The degreed individual and those asking for such sheepskins of accomplishment.

Where do I start? I have seen so many employers now advertising for a 2 year degree minimum, WITHOUT EVEN CARING WHAT IT IS IN!

What does this mean? Well your future boss or management type figure could have got that first foot in the door at your future company on a golden ticket of a 2 year degree in liberal arts or animal husbandry at the nearest community college.

Thats right, your new boss could have gotten where he or she is by passing the diverse educational standards of esteemed universities anywhere and everywhere to become the well rounded individual and leader you will follow without question by learning how to jack off pigs into a bottle or writing their thesis on the socially redeeming value of contemporary great works of the theater such as Cats.

These tend to be the same folks who buy those crappy vanity plates.

Vanity plates possibly represent the stupidest of the stupid. Nothing says "I is am over achiever" than someone who takes a state mandated tax in order to put your vehicle on the road and actually pays more for the privilege.

Question: What kind of bonehead pays more tax than the state mandates for anything?

Answer: The kind of person with a vanity plate.

They probably pay more sales tax at the supermarket to take home groceries in bags with their logo of choice on it as well simply because their need to tell anyone and everyone their spending habits is so ingrained and programmed into them they simply cannot resist to pay more for the privilege of advertising.

Do they still wear their class ring from high school too?

Does this mean I have angst towards these folks, not may seem so to the obtuse amongst us but I have learned the following in my time here on planet Earth.

"A public declaration of anything means less than nothing."

Substance, ethics, intelligence, wisdom, taste, tact and a whole barrel full of other assets cannot be bought nor taught nor sold nor learned at the business end of a beer bong...your either born are a thinker or you are not.

Welcome to Detroit. makes money how?

Ok now I am beginning to doubt the validity of job posting, resume posting sites like, I have applied to tens of jobs and have only received one call from one contract house the day I posted. Not to mention checking these sites daily produces very little in new positions available, barring working for the US armed services in Iraq or some other God awful place as a "action field photographer" or "food services culinary specialist" which looks to be the biggest employer posting on Monster currently.

These job seeking/posting sites are not really very effective in my opinion, the only way I see them actually doing anything effectively is shoving a advertisements for further schooling, etc at every other which I have to frigging constantly reply by hitting the NO THANKS radio buttons.

I mean if I had money to spend would I even be on the site?

So off to craigslist I here is a study in futility as well, craigslist appears to be very effective if your a trans gendered Korean amputee looking for another trans gendered Korean amputee OR selling a guitar...other than that I am not seeing much worth here as well, to tell you the truth if your any kind of serious employer advertising on craigslist your going to look somewhat seedy to me.

But I gave it a shot anyhow, about 20 or so emails later I have not gotten as much as one "thanks but no thanks" letter back. I have come to the conclusion on two possibilities with craigslist, either A) the employer is getting so many emails they can't even effectively reply to all of them or B) they are as seedy and unprofessional as they appear.

How about a video resume on youtube? So off I go again whisked via the web to the largest collection of total geeky assholes the world has seen in video form to date. This isn't going to cut it, everyone I look at as a reference point for how to get it done looks like a total tool or possibly the best linguist of the Klingon language known to man. There is just now way it ever looks good barring one...your a hot chick with a good rack.

The proof is in the hit counts, no one is looking at dudes, they are all checking out;

A) The hot chicks

and later

B) Filtered again by hot chicks with good racks.

Want your video resume to work? Be a hot chick with a big rack and wear something sexy, I guarantee you will be breaking a glass ceiling somewhere.

I have come to one recent conclusion though in the business world.

It's not what you know, It's not who you know...

It's who you know THEN what you know that will get you the job.

Welcome to Detroit

Looking for Work

Looking for work...that journey we all take, sometimes with a zeal and eagerness usually only seen on the face of a 10 year old on Christmas morning, then after the first few minutes or so, the dejected look of a prisoner of war being told their country has lost the war and no one is coming for them.

I found out the cold reality of the Detroit job market most recently by the ending of a contract job in IT and suddenly being back in the market, if you can call what passes for opportunity in Detroit as a "market". Detroit and the surrounding areas have been left in a vacuous void of opportunity by pathetic and corrupt leadership that has sold virtually everyone and everything out for a dollar.

From the money laundering to terrorist groups by a locally famous mid-eastern restaurant chain to the job slashing tactics of automotive executives to the corrupt unions that feign defense of the workers they pilfer from for generation after generation. All have exacted their pound of flesh from the citizens here in Michigan. Virtually every business has mined the human resource here like a strip mining operation and moved on leaving human wreckage in it's wake.

I digress but feel you need to have a ground level view of the economic battle ground in Detroit.

What this has accomplished is making virtually everyone of a legal age desperate for any job available while at the same time putting employers in a position of unimagined power to ask for previously unheard of concessions from prospective employees.

I most recently applied for for a part-time position as a picture framer at a national arts and crafts store chain.

No ad in any paper or even on their corporate web site, just a sign on the door.

"hmm" I thought, "This sounds ok, I can still look for a serious job and make some easy, albeit, small amount of money whilst leaving me enough free time to do my own thing."

I printed out the application from the corporate web site, filled it out and handed it in the same day. I received a call a few days later for an interview, so far so good.

After waiting for 30 minutes after my appointed time I spoke with someone about the position, this would entail more than just framing.

"Ok like what?" I asked. "Unloading trucks, sales and some stocking making up at least 50% of the time spent on the job"

Some other points not mentioned until my in store visit:

A national background check. Arts and crafts are notorious havens for the criminal element like the Mafia or the Yakuza I guessed.

A 90 question personality test, in which I was coached on how to best answer by my interviewer.
Strongly disagree or agree, the computer will read you as wishy washy if you have too many answers in the middle of the bell curve.

The only time slot would be from five o'clock until 10 o'clock at night daily, including weekends.

As of yet no mention of pay offered, the assumption being I must be willing to take anything offered I guess.

But here is what really cracked me up, the 90 page personality test had no less than 5 questions asking me in tricky double negative ways if I smoke pot of not.

Such as... "Do you think it is appropriate for a business to be concerned with any recreational marijuana use an employee may do on the own time if it doesn't effect the way the employee performs his/her job?"

First off, alcohol is far more dangerous to society at large than pot ever will be AND it's legal.

I mean are they kidding asking this in 5 or 6 different ways? Are they so disconcerted with their last viewing of Reefer Madness that all employees have to preemptively announce they agree with company views on the law or rights to privacy where it concerns pot?

Not once did they ask if I currently or in my past imbibed in cocaine, heroin, alcohol, pills, ecstasy....nothing else....just pot, the weakest of all recreational drugs. I am guessing that I can do lines of coke on my dashboard, slam a six pack, shoot an 8 ball and report to work as a part time framer for arts and crafts store and I should be good, after all they never even asked me about it.

Another questions asked several times in several ways was, "Would you consider stealing $5.00 if you knew you would not be caught?." Are they crazy? that wouldn't even get me any pot, maybe some beer or a hit of X but 5 bucks? I mean I would be tempted with like 5 million laying around but 5 bucks? no way, I probably wouldn't even bother to pick it up thinking it was a joke and someone had a fishing line attached to it.

Seriously, shouldn't these types of questions be asked of the people with the most access to monies and already have positions of potential to do the most damage to a company? I would be far more worried about the CEO with a raging coke habit who is seeing hookers on their 3 martini lunch and is being blackmailed by Rico the pimp before I would be worried about the part time framer who smoked a joint last month at a Super bowl party.

A drug test is mandatory by the way for all new hires, although I assume NONE of the corporate officers have never urinated into a vial to prove their presumed innocence before guilt. You and I will though.

The premise that the company cares about it's employee's health is a crock of crapola. The only thing they will test for is pot, it's the cheapest test and will lower their insurance rates if they can "prove" a drug free work environment. If they really cared as proposed they would be testing for ALL illegal drugs, making the tests far more expensive than they are prepared to pay for.

In the end the jokes on the employing company because the insurance company is going to jack the rate up on some other fee, the insurance company isn't going to eat the loss, that's not how they stay in business.

So back to my point, employers are now able to ask questions like these. These rights we used to have were paid for in blood by our fore fathers, wars have been fought for these rights, other countries citizens are dying right now to gain these rights....but we have given them away without hardly a get that part time job as a framer at the craft store.

Who will fight for these rights when they are gone, who is fighting for these rights now? When did we give them up for the assumed security of a pathetically small pay check?

I will try and keep you all regularly posted on how the job hunt is going for me.

Welcome to Detroit.


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