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Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's Called a Recession Dumbass - Correction

I received a comment on this previous entry I wrote.

Its Called A Recession Dumbass

What I write is mostly commentary and editorial, the blog SBVOR gives the facts on recession.

Technically we are not in a recession but still a tough sell to the 1 in 20 who are out of work.

Check it out, good stuff.

Detroit Pulls A Schwarzenegger

Detroit tells workers of impending layoffs

The city of Detroit sent letters Friday to unions warning that layoffs are possible by the end of September, in part because of the City Council's refusal to sell half of the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel.

"We have been hearing rumblings about this," said John Riehl, president of an American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees local that represents Water and Sewerage Department workers.

"We look at this as a pressure tactic. It's what we expected, but the mayor could be gone by the end of September."

Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick faces multiple felonies and calls for his resignation. Riehl said he views the notification as a pressure tactic in ongoing contract negotiations with at least two city unions.


Ummmm how can I put this delicately? .....good?

About time, the Detroit infrastructure needs a overhaul from top to bottom and I don't care which end gets it first.

Welcome to Detroit

Shia LaBeouf's Hand "Crushed" Has To Use Other Hand For Jerking, Makes It Feel Like He Is Getting Strange.

There are new details about the extent of Shia LaBeouf's hand injury—and they're not pretty.

LaBeouf's left hand was "crushed" in last weekend's rollover car crash, and the young star will require "regular medical supervision until his doctors clear him to return to work," LaBeouf attorney Michael Norris said in a statement today.


Oh My God!...Will he be ok? How will he carry on? Will he be in this weeks Tiger Beat magazine?...Will he ever be able to jack off again?

Who gives a flying turd?

I am not picking on this douche specifically...more so celebrities in general....I mean how does this effect my life or the 10 billion bucks a month we spend in Iraq?

Why is air wasted on reporting this crap?


Welcome to Detroit

Pale Attempt By A Small Man - Republican John McCain

McCain mocks 'anointed' Obama in new broadside

Republican John McCain ratcheted up his attacks on Barack Obama, debuting a new web ad mocking the Democrat as a quasi-divine figure who had anointed himself to rule the world.

The Arizona senator sharpened his newly negative tone on a day when Obama was heckled by African American protestors in Florida, and denied McCain campaign claims he had injected race into the increasingly testy battle.

"Can you see the light?" McCain's sarcastic web video sent to supporters asked, arguing that Obama, who wowed Europeans on a foreign tour last week, is arrogant, consumed by his own celebrity and not yet ready to lead.

"It shall be known, that in 2008, the world will be blessed," says the narrator of the minute-long web video, replete with religious imagery.

"They will call him, 'The One,'" the advertisement said, using a sarcastic tone which includes footage of Charlton Heston as Moses in the movie "Ten Commandments."


I wouldn't normally make a jab at a war veteran, let alone a POW...but McCain is losing and these negative ads are a desperate last ditch effort by a man behind the times.

I agree with Obama's response.... (sic)"when Republicans have no policy to extol, they were revert to mudslinging to win"...and they have.

In the last 8 years the Republican party has screwed this country up economically, internationally, fiscally, militarily, intellectually...etc, etc, etc a amazing degree


...your out lose

Your secular belief system and partisan politics have failed...FAILED....just admit adult men and women and admit failed us all. Every man, woman and child in this country.

Welcome to Detroit