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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fearless Leader To Speak

Bush to make statement Fri after market volatility

President George W. Bush will make a statement on Friday morning to assure Americans that every action is being taken to stabilize the financial system, a day after the U.S. stock market tumbled more than 600 points.

"Following the market's continued volatility this afternoon, the president will deliver a statement in the Rose Garden tomorrow morning," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said on Thursday.

"He will assure the American people that they should be confident that economic officials are aggressively taking every action to stabilize our financial system," she said.

The Treasury Department is "moving quickly" to improve liquidity to ease the credit crisis, Perino said.

Bush will make the statement at about 10 a.m. EDT (1400 GMT), she said.


Dana's job must really suck sausage about now.

Well here are my predictions:

  • Bush will say he has decided to take decisive action.
  • Bush will say everything will be ok in the long run but we have to "tough it out".
  • Bush will say the new legislation will slow down any down turn ( he won't say it will stop it or reverse it.)
And of course the obligatory "Goodbye and God Bless".

I wonder if I could run for president?

Welcome To Detroit

Defense Secretary Unaware Army Already Is In Afghanistan

Gates Calls for Anti-Drug Campaign in Afghanistan

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates called on NATO allies Thursday to target drug lords running Afghanistan's flourishing heroin trade as part of a wider effort to confront a resurgent Taliban.

"Part of the problem that we face is that the Taliban makes somewhere between 60 and 80 or more million dollars a year from the drug trafficking," said Gates, who is attending a two-day meeting of NATO defense ministers. "The drug trafficking is not only corrosive of good governance because it contributes to corruption. It also directly funds the people who are killing Afghans, Americans and all of our coalition partners there."

Gates, however, ruled out any large-scale crop eradication campaign, which would likely alienate the country's farmers, many of whom survive on income from growing opium poppies.


Wait a minute Bobby.....

Who is the biggest consumer of heroin in the world?

The U.S.

Who has an entire army occupying Afghanistan currently?

The U.S.

What U.S. official is failing at his job with epic proportion?

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates.

This guy is unreal, the U.S. army is there....what more muscle do you need you tool?

Here is an idea, cut the market by legalizing it, make it totally unprofitable to grow.

Here is another, you own the country, walk in and burn the crap.

Here is a third, DO NOT buy it from the farmers....I repeat DO NOT OFFER TO BUY IT FROM THE FARMERS....I see the idea forming in your tiny head now and frankly I don't have the money to buy your heroin from Afghanistan. 

I am too busy sending all my money to your boss so he can undo the mess he made of the U.S.  and now global economy.

If I ever do want to buy heroin I don't need the government to do it for me. 

I will make two or three phone calls and get it off the street...oh wait...the war on drugs eliminated illegal domestic drug use didn't it?

I forgot...we are cured.

Welcome To Detroit

A Hero For The 21st Century

Sheriff in Chicago Ends Evictions in Foreclosures

Law enforcement officers in Chicago will no longer evict residents from foreclosed properties, Sheriff Thomas J. Dart of Cook County announced Wednesday.

The department was on pace to conduct 4,700 foreclosures this year, nearly triple the number from two years ago, Sheriff Dart said.

Housing advocates said that they thought the measure was the first of its kind, but that in recent years, several sheriffs and judges around the country had taken other steps to slow foreclosure proceedings, like requiring lenders to produce titles proving they owned the properties in question. In Philadelphia this year, Sheriff John D. Green temporarily suspended sales of foreclosed properties.

Sheriff Dart said he took the measure because an increasing number of the residents being evicted were renters who might have been dutifully paying their rent, and might have had no knowledge that the owner was behind on the mortgage.

Under a new Chicago law, renters are entitled to a 90-day grace period, starting at the time a foreclosure sale is confirmed, before they can be evicted.

“It started with just a couple cases like that, but they kept multiplying,” Sheriff Dart said. “Just in the past month, about a third of the people we were asked to evict were under very questionable circumstances. It got to the point that enough was enough.”

Officials at the national Mortgage Bankers Association were unavailable for comment, a spokesman said. Officials at the Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association did not return calls seeking comment.

On a recent case, deputies were called to evict residents at a foreclosed building...and arrived to find six families who were all paying rent to the landlord.

“All the time we paid every month, he never said nothing,” said Alma Aquino, who lived in one unit with her husband, their two children, and Mrs. Aquino’s mother and sister, for a rent of $850. “My husband tried to explain, but the sheriffs said we can’t talk, we need to evacuate.”

The family ended up staying, and Sheriff Dart, who has supported legislation to protect residents in foreclosures, soon stopped evictions.

Sheriff Dart said the evictions had taken an emotional toll on his staff. “It’s one of most gut-wrenching things we do, seeing little children put out on the street with their possessions. And the hard part is that the parent played by all the rules, and they’re being traumatized.”


"Officials at the national Mortgage Bankers Association were unavailable for comment, a spokesman said. "

"Officials at the Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association did not return calls seeking comment."

No comment? 

Not surprising, there is a special level in hell for these types.

"On a recent case, deputies were called to evict residents at a foreclosed building...and arrived to find six families who were all paying rent to the landlord."

What a gem of a human being this slum lord is, he should be brought up on 6 separate counts of fraud, intent to commit fraud and if anyone paid by cashiers checks, wire fraud to boot.

Maybe he wouldn't be doing this if he RESPECTED THE LAW.

What a scumbag.

"The department was on pace to conduct 4,700 foreclosures this year, nearly triple the number from two years ago, Sheriff Dart said."

That works out to 12.87 evictions a day if performed for 365 days of the

18.07 if your doing just 5 days a week, yeah I bet the police really don't see this as law enforcement....neither do I.

Sheriff Thomas J. Dart of Cook County you are a hero to me, to your friends, to your neighbors and lastly to every American out there.

Detroit Daily Dirt salutes you Sheriff Dart.

Welcome To Detroit