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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wagoner's Death Grip Tightens On GM's Throat

Wagoner still has GM's support

Despite huge losses, backing for CEO 'has not changed,' says spokesman

General Motors Corp. said its board continues to support Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner despite the company's deteriorating performance in the second quarter, when it lost a staggering $15.5 billion.

"The board has expressed support for Rick Wagoner and the GM management team on several occasions and that has not changed," GM spokesman Steve Harris said Tuesday.

Some analysts say it's hard to fault Wagoner for most of the problems GM is facing, such as $4-a-gallon gas and the market collapse for its most profitable vehicles.

"I can understand the pressure, but from where I sit, it's hard to see anybody else coping any better than what they have done," said auto analyst David Healy of Burnham Securities.



I have no problem faulting Wagoner, no it's not his fault gas is 4 bucks a gallon, or everyone wants a small car, no one can sell their house, no one has a job to buy a car or truck BUT it is his fault he lacks the fore sight to prepare for these kinds of market changes....technically that is why he is paid ass loads of money, for his ability to "lead".

Leading by definition means your ahead of the pack, on the front, cutting edge and all that...none of which he has proven.

Wagoners "leading" is entirely reactionary.

What common intelligent citizen of Michigan hasn't seen this coming for years?

FOR YEARS...everyone knew that there was a trend to buy smaller import cars.

FOR YEARS...everyone knew gas was going up since the the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (both of which are still raging on).

FOR YEARS...everyone knew that the economy in Michigan and the nation has been limping along, tied also to a gloomy real estate market.

FOR YEARS it's all been common knowledge in Michigan

Yeah I do hold him at fault, where is accountability in the country anymore?

PS - See above, GM spokesman Steve Harris said GM has confidence in Rick Wagoner...c'mon Steve, who pays your check?

Of course you'd said that, it's your job as a fluffer to the media.

What cracks me up is "spokes people" actually went to school for something and now they are professional mouth pieces. What a job.

The whole point of this announcement to the press is a pathetic attempt to keep market prices on GM stock from falling any further than it is already or if you prefer...manipulating the press to GM's advantage.

Hardly what I would call "news". is a tip ever notice that when a failing major corporation fires a CEO and hire another their stock sees a bump up?

Welcome to Detroit

Wonder If She Changed Her Son's Diapers

Kilpatrick victorious in tight 13th District race

DETROIT -- U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick earned a narrow victory this morning in a three-way Democratic primary that was as much about her scandal-plagued son, Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, as her own six terms in Congress.



People in Detroit are stupid...just plain stupid.

Who do you think taught Kwame his standards of ethics and truth?

People from the suburbs?

No... it was mama.... if there ever was a case of guilt by association this is it.

During her much publicized debate with Mary Waters she declared to her opponent "you aren't good enough to carry my bra".....classy....she is a keeper

Congratulations Detroit you get everything you ask for.

Don't hurt yourselves carrying mama's bra.

Welcome to Detroit

Forsythe Recruitung

I got a email from Forsythe Recruiting...a quick search on google brought this up.

This site looks very handy, I will be keeping a book mark on it, a lot of the recruiters they have listed are continuously contacting me.

If they can't take advantage of their fellow man they couldn't do anything. People who run cons are the scum of the Earth.

Welcome to Detroit