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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Michigan's Jobless Rate Leaps To 14.1%

Michigan's jobless rate hit 14.1 percent in May, a near-26 year high, according to data released today by the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth .

The U.S. unemployment rate rose by half a percentage point in May, to 9.4 percent.

"Major events continued to unfold in Michigan's auto industry in May, which had a considerable impact on the state's unemployment rate," said Rick Waclawek, director of the state's Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives. "Curtailed production negatively influenced suppliers and other related sectors, resulting in further weakening in the labor market."

It's the highest monthly rate recorded in the state since July 1983. Since May 2008, unemployment has jumped by 274,000 people, or 67.2 percent. Unemployment nationally rose by a slightly larger 70.0 percent in the same period.

"It's not good," said Gov. Jennifer Granholm, at a Lansing press conference Wednesday



DUH! Not good? Ya think Jenny?

I don't blame you for doing nothing, I voted for you.

I blame ME for you doing nothing.

It appears you spent your time this term vying for a position on the supreme court that never came to fruition.

Well boo freaking hoo.

I suppose now you will be unemployed as well?

Will I be seeing you at Michigan Works? The Unemployment Insurance Agency?

Will you being uploading your resume to get your unemployment check?


I bet dollars to donuts this waste of a judicial frock leaves the state before her parking spot is even renamed.

14.1% is one in seven.

Imagine it...every seventh person you see on Michigan's streets is unemployed.

How many of those with expertise and skill will leave the state for a job?

How many of the 14.1% will turn to crime for sustenance?

How many children will not have a home because of foreclosure after job loss?

How many will not go on to college because they have to work three fast food jobs to make ends meet?

Was Granholm soap boxing for her entire last term to the Obama administration?

How much time did she spend catering to his campaign versus actually accomplishing what she promised she would do for the state?

Go Granholm, just leave.

You failed at your job.

Welcome To Detroit

Why Job Boards Do Not Work

Job Boards Don't Work...period

Career Builder, Monster, opinion is they don't work and I recommend avoiding them at all cost.

Considering the time you spend inputting your demographic information for free so they can resell it, your better suited to try and determine the potential employer yourself, circumventing the whole job board route and contacting someone directly at the business either via mail or phone.

What was initially a good idea back in the day has become nothing more than a way to harvest personal information about people from the web for free for resale.

If I have to skip one more forced pop up ad for Phoenix University I will go totally ape shit.

Take for example the two choice opportunities I received today. ( see above picture predicting my dismal future)

Pizza Delivery OR the US Air Force !!!


Moreover what the frig to they mean by for pizza delivery driver I am and I quote a...

"Good Match"

WITH 3 stars no less....ugh

Keep in mind I have program management level experience in IT with over 17 years of employment in IT. Which they know, or their equivalent of Hal 9000 knows.

"I am sorry Dave, your a pizza delivery driver"

My experience with hours of manually inputting my employment information OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER as to job experience, skills, certifications, etc communicates my lifetime of achievements, accolades and awards in to their massive databases and by the exacting parse and search criteria the job boards utilize after decades of fine tuning their ability to match potential employees with employers to ... being either a pizza delivery person or enlisting in the military.

Now the job boards could and would of course say "Well it's how you set up your search criteria...blah blah blah"

No it isn't, but whatever. What other choice do I have other than personal networking?

Obviously from having the skill set of a pizza delivery driver I can only network personally with the guy at 7-Eleven and my Dungeons and Dragons group of the fellow unemployed.

The Detroit News' Sunday edition has about 6 IT positions, so by that logically extrapolation of the jobless rate here in Michigan I can assume about 243,522 people applied to each one.

Pizza delivery doesn't look all that bad under these circumstances.

Welcome To Detroit