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Sunday, August 31, 2008

McCain Tries For The Hillary Clinton Disgruntled Vote

John McCain's running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, has run the state's executive branch for two years and supports drilling for oil and gas.

Mich. Republicans excited about Palin

Michigan Republican delegates learned Sunday morning they have a home-grown source of information about Sarah Palin, Alaska's governor and John McCain's running mate.

Delegate Dennis Buchholtz of Warren entertained fellow Michigan delegates on a bus ride to a jazz brunch with stories his daughter, Georgia, told him about Palin, who was her mayor in Wasilla.

"My daughter just saw Sarah Palin at the (Alaska) State Fair, pushing a stroller," said Buchholtz, whose daughter was born in Jackson. "She's as regular and nice a person as you could ever meet."



Well of course she supports drilling in Alaska, that means Alaskian jobs...duh...aside from the tourist industry, fishing or energy...what the freak else is there in Alaska for a career?

Politician I guess.

I heard on the radio today a female conservative DJ, (sorry no idea who or what station just scanning) was stating that Palin was a lifetime member of the NRA, hunted deer, ice fished, fly fished and was pro-life....I was thinking pro-life? Sounds to me like she kills everything she can see within range.

I guess she was trying to say she can hang with the political big dogs or something idiotic like that....who cares?....I know plenty of women that can gut a fish, that doesn't mean I want them a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

This is such a blantant attempt targeting the disgruntled Hillary Clinton backers to join on the right under the assumption that women will vote Republican just to get a female in the White House...How stupid does the McCain camp think women are?

"Shes as regular and nice a person as you can meet"? Well I guess...if you can call having a kid which the rest of us humans have little trouble doing pushing your own child by yourself without any staff assistance and smiling and waving ( at the same time) as nice...then yeah I guess she is real nice....what kind of tool qualifies their vote this way?

Oh yeah...a Republican.

I love the headline Michigan Republicans excited about what?....all three of them?

Republicans in Michigan are becoming an oxymoron thanks to the last 8 years of the previous regime...I mean administration ignoring Michigan's pleas for emergency fiscal attention.

Welcome To Detroit

Let The Wiggling Begin

Detroit mayor offers to quit, pay fine, but jail time snags plea deal

Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is offering to plead guilty to one or two felonies, leave office, pay a fine and restitution and perform community service -- so long as he doesn't go to jail, a source close to his legal team said Sunday.

Frustrated by what they consider stubbornness by Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy in ongoing plea talks, the mayor's lawyers have offered to bring in facilitators -- perhaps a judge or well-respected legal figure -- to review the offer, the source said.

The talks are reaching a critical point. A Wayne County judge is set to rule Tuesday on Kilpatrick's motion to halt removal proceedings against him by Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Those proceedings are set to begin Wednesday in Detroit; lawyers claim the governor has already made up her mind to remove the mayor.


Restitution? Like he has $ 9 Million laying around, his old lawyer is suing him for none payment.

Goodbye Kwami...Thanks for the memories.

Welcome To Detroit