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Saturday, August 30, 2008

David Duckovny Addicted To Attention

David Duchovny's sex disorder likened to alcoholism

Duchovny's announcement on Thursday that he was voluntarily going into rehab for sex addiction after years of denying he had a problem, threw a spotlight on a disorder that few celebrities, and even fewer ordinary men and women, admit to.

Often likened to alcoholism, drug addiction or gambling, sex addiction is a form of compulsive behavior which is sending growing numbers of people into therapy but which is not formally recognized as a "diagnosable disorder" by the American Psychiatric Association.

Treatment for sex addiction usually includes psychotherapy, group meetings similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, and sometimes medications like anti-depressants whose common side-effects include a decrease in libido.

Relapse is common, especially since most addicts cannot reasonably be expected to give up sex for the rest of their lives in the way that alcoholics seek never to drink again.


This is such a load.

For one so few people suffer from what is properly termed Nymphomania or Satyriasis that you probably will only encounter it in the forum pages of Penthouse magazine.

"Dear Penthouse, I never thought I would be writing you but I met a girl who is addicted to sex...."

Yeah right, I wish.

Being "addicted to sex" is like being addicted to taking a dump.

"I just can't help myself, it seems like I can barely go a day and I am in the bathroom...taking a dump...oh the shame."

I am willing to bet if he had a $15,000 a year job washing dishes in order to take care of his kids he wouldn't have time to have an "addiction to sex".
I throw 99% of peoples claims of being bipolar into this pile of bullshit as well...just because you treat people like shit doesn't mean your bipolar, it means your an asshole.
There your cured.....That will be $150.00 please.

So this makes David Duchovny Detroit Daily Dirt's Tool of the Day....

Congratulation David, rub one out for us.

Welcome to Detroit