I recently read a great article in the Feb. 23 2009 issue of Time.
This lists the 25 people most responsible for the financial meltdown in recent months in this country...or as I like the call them, the treasonous, greedy few.
These are the archetypes that more often than not like to consider themselvesas masters of the universe types from years gone by, rail barons, oil magnets, land owners, etc, etc.
Except these people really don't produce or manufacture anything for society on the whole...just push paper and I.O.U.s back and forth for profit.
Here let me name the top 14 of them so you and I can direct your empty stomachs and guilty gaze upon them.
1. Aneglo Mozilo - Why haven't you ever heard of him? Because he is way richer that you can ever dream of being. Founded Countrywide mortgage. Gave money to unqualified borrowers as standard operating practice. Sold Countywide to Bank of America which now has to settle the $8.7 billion in legal charges filed against Countywide by 11 states.
2. Phil Gramm - Chairman Senate banking committee 1995-2000
Repealed those pesky laws invented during the depression to separate commercial banks and Wall Street.
3. Alan Greenspan - Federal reserve chairman.
Alan just knew that financial institutes could be trusted to regulate themselves, advised the government in just such a manner.
4. Chris Cox - Former SEC chief, people tried to tell him about the Madoff-Ponzi scheme, it fell on this man's deaf ears.
5. American Consumer - Time states we are rall esponsible for living beyond our means, I don't agree with this. Time Magazine hasn't been to my house for Friday night baloney and water dinners.
6. Hank Paulson - Treasury Secretary in 2006, convinced Congress to throw $700 billion at the financial problem with zero effect...good job with my money Hank.
7. Joe Cassano - Got AIG involved in Credit Default Swaps. In layman's terms, convinced AIG to bet heavily that people will spend beyond their means forever and ever and ever. That cost us about $150 billion so far to keep AIG afloat.
8. Ian McCarthy - CEO of Beazer homes, they were leaders in predatory lending practices from 2000 and on in this country, but don't expect to see Ian in court anytime soon. Criminal law is for the unwashed masses, not Ian.
9. Frank Raines - Ran Fannie Mae, left during an accounting scandal and investigations into sub prime securities, he won't be going to court anytime soon either, he worked for Bill Clinton.
10. Kathleen Corbet - Standard and Poors AAA ratings came from this lady and apparently she handed them out like tic-tacs on Halloween. Her crime? Obliviousness and under qualification.
11. Dick Fuld - My personal favorite, Dick directed Lehman deeply into the sub prime lending business. Which is all now toxic debt and mostly responsible for creating "zombie banks".
Why is Dick my personal favorite? Because he got paid $500 million to help put his country into a financial tailspin that may take decades for it's poorest citizens to pay their way out of.
This guy makes the Grinch look like Tinkerbell....what a turd. You won't see him in prison anytime soon either, why? $500 million buys a lot of lawyers.
12. Marion and Herb Sandler - Bankers who got rich on Adjustable Rate Mortgages then sold the toxic debt to Wachovia..they made $2.3. Billion by bilking their fellow US citizens.
13. Bill Clinton - The prosperity he enjoyed during his Presidency was a side effect of his deregulation policies concerning financial institutes. Now either he knew that the bubble would pop one day or that he was just stupid remains to be seen but don't forget he did go on national TV and lie to every citizen in this country about a blow job.
14. George W. Bush - George embraced deregulation like the head of a $10 hooker. Actually blocked efforts by SEC head William Donaldson to regulate hedge funds, Williamson resigned because of it. George's inadequacy has done more harm to this country in 8 years than any attack by foreign forces has in 200 hundred years.
Time magazine once again did a great job on this...now when you hear the news about how the unnamed financial types did this to us you can put some faces on it.
Madoff is in the list too for obvious reasons but as far as I know the only one facing any serious media attention or criminal investigation because he fucked rich people and celebrity types...anyone who fucked the little people up the bunghole apparently gets away with it.
Welcome To Detroit
Saturday, April 11, 2009
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