Bush implores Congress to act to rescue markets
President Bush says the economic damage to the nation will be "painful and lasting" if Congress fails to pass a $700 billion bailout bill.
Bush said Tuesday that "Congress must act" and said the economy is depending on "decisive action on the part of our government." He spoke a day after the House voted narrowly to defeat the massive relief measure that his administration and leading members of Congress had agreed was necessary.
Bush said he wanted to "assure our citizens and citizens around the world that this is not the end of the legislative process."
The sad details Mr. President is your fellow republicans had the lion's share of no votes.
Why? Because they are terrified of constituent opinion and being aligned with your failed economic plan.
Voting statistic government source here:
Ayes Noes NV
Democratic 140 95 0
Republican 65 133 1
Independent 0 0 0
Total 205 228 1
The people have spoken and incredibly were heard, this is what makes this country the greatest.
People are stark raving angry at their elected officials for letting deregulation get us in this mess and more so of being asked to bail out those driven by greed in order to keep the market temporarily running.
I say temporarily because this $700 billion isn't a cure all by any means, this puts a band aid on the hemorrhaging until just after the election at the worst and for a few years at the best....the bill will still come due and that's why folks are saying they aren't going to pay...it isn't their bill, it's Wall streets bill.
The President implies that history will vindicate his policies, I don't think we will have to wait that long.
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