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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Detroit at 22% Unemployment - A Depression

Say what you want about the slightly seedy ads in the back of the Metro Times (unless of course you like and need transgendered massages) but they hit the nail on the head again with their most recent cover story.


During the worst of the Great Depression, unemployment in the United States peaked at 25 percent. That was in 1932. Today, that number is at 8.5 percent. Even if you accept what the critics say — that current statistics don't truly reflect how many people are out of work or underemployed — we still have a long way to go before we see Depression-like unemployment.

Unless you live in Detroit.

Even in a state that's the worst in the nation in terms of unemployment — 12 percent at last count — Detroit's situation is catastrophic by comparison, with a rate of more than 22 percent.




Welcome To Detroit

Dick Cheney's Daughter Waterboarded

Former US Vice-President Dick Cheney has urged the CIA to release memos which he says show harsh interrogation techniques such as water-boarding work.

His comments follow the publication of memos written by Bush administration lawyers which justified the techniques.

Mr Cheney said that the decision to publish the memos was a mistake.

And it was misleading, he said, because the documents did not include those demonstrating that harsh interrogation delivered intelligence "success".

"One of the things that I find a little bit disturbing about this recent disclosure is that they put out the legal memos... but they didn't put out the memos that show the success of the effort," Mr Cheney told Fox News.

"There are reports that show specifically what we gained as a result of this activity. They have not been declassified. I formally ask that they be declassified now."

The American people should have a chance to weigh the intelligence obtained alongside the legal debate, he said.



Nice Dick...real nice...

Let's play pretend again shall we?

Could we make your daughter admit she is really straight instead of homosexual by some simple water boarding techniques you condone?

I bet we could.

Probably would make you look like less of a hypocrite for being anti-gay and pro-torture if you killed two birds with one stone by torturing your own blood into being straight like God intended.

Lets face it, there was a reason these documents and memos were classified to begin's anti-American to torture and you were afraid of what Americans...real Americans, would think of your policies should they have seen the light of day while you were in office.

Forget prosecuting the CIA for these crimes...prosecute Cheney and Bush...they signed off on it.

Welcome To Detroit