Gates Calls for Anti-Drug Campaign in Afghanistan
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates called on NATO allies Thursday to target drug lords running Afghanistan's flourishing heroin trade as part of a wider effort to confront a resurgent Taliban.
"Part of the problem that we face is that the Taliban makes somewhere between 60 and 80 or more million dollars a year from the drug trafficking," said Gates, who is attending a two-day meeting of NATO defense ministers. "The drug trafficking is not only corrosive of good governance because it contributes to corruption. It also directly funds the people who are killing Afghans, Americans and all of our coalition partners there."
Gates, however, ruled out any large-scale crop eradication campaign, which would likely alienate the country's farmers, many of whom survive on income from growing opium poppies.
Wait a minute Bobby.....
Who is the biggest consumer of heroin in the world?
The U.S.
Who has an entire army occupying Afghanistan currently?
The U.S.
What U.S. official is failing at his job with epic proportion?
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates.
This guy is unreal, the U.S. army is there....what more muscle do you need you tool?
Here is an idea, cut the market by legalizing it, make it totally unprofitable to grow.
Here is another, you own the country, walk in and burn the crap.
Here is a third, DO NOT buy it from the farmers....I repeat DO NOT OFFER TO BUY IT FROM THE FARMERS....I see the idea forming in your tiny head now and frankly I don't have the money to buy your heroin from Afghanistan.
I am too busy sending all my money to your boss so he can undo the mess he made of the U.S. and now global economy.
If I ever do want to buy heroin I don't need the government to do it for me.
I will make two or three phone calls and get it off the street...oh wait...the war on drugs eliminated illegal domestic drug use didn't it?
I forgot...we are cured.
Welcome To Detroit
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