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Friday, December 19, 2008

RIAA's Cary Sherman Talks About How He Is A Tool

RIAA's Cary Sherman says lawsuits were the only option

Cary Sherman offers no apologies and won't for a second concede that filing lawsuits against people who pilfered digital music from artists was ineffective. On the contrary, the president of the Recording Industry Association of America makes a case that chasing file sharers into court was the only option in 2003, during one of the darkest periods in the music industry's history.

"If you can go back to that time in your mind and remember that file sharing was growing at logarithmic pace," Sherman said referring to 2003, not long after file-sharing service Napster had triggered a music-swapping frenzy. "It was unbelievable how much infringement was going on and there was no sense that it was illegal. There were no legal cases or precedent, nothing to discourage people from this kind of behavior."



Wow! Cary's last party must have been a real dud if he suddenly felt the need to spout off about how he was right when no one gives a crap anymore...he said 2003...2003!...Cary its 2008 ! That was 5 years ago why the hell are you tooting your horn now?

And guess what Cary

The Record Industry testified to the U.S. Government that when the research and development of CD's was paid off from revenues the price of CD's would drop...YOU LIED TO THE U.S.GOVERNMENT.

People go to jail for that...kind of like what you did with those useless, meaningless lawsuits against the very people the Government sought to protect from price I guess when you fell through on your promise to lower the price and your former customers found a work around you were probably crapping your designer jeans.

What does a CD cost you to produce, print and package?...about 2 bucks?

What are you charging for the CD?




What cut does the artist get?



Since the industry probably has them on a advance pay contract with a multi-album deal and making them in essence indentured servants they usually never are able to pay of the cash advance....they call it pimping in some circles Cary.

Let's continue...everyone else if the whole free world knew that the world wide web would be the new medium of choice for data and music but you failed to notice this..the whole world changed overnight and you were running to catch up...not like you didn't have the chance to take some of your grotesque profits and invest in standards and protection of the new medium, you tried to halt the whole thing through much to you get paid to fail to this degree?

Lets go back in can no longer play a whole album on the radio why?..because the record industry litigated that they would lose too much profit from people bootlegging onto tape and not buying the album in the first place...nope that never came to fruition did it? The industry paranoia just limited what your potential customers could enjoy.


Wasn't it your industry that tried to litigate against the phonograph so it would be impossible to record albums to tape in home?...That didn't happen thank God but what damage did it do anyway? still have money coming out your ass from your monopoly on recorded talent.

If you REALLY think you stemmed any kind flow of underground product you should get some smarts...people are just migrating to the unsigned new talent that you failed to woo into your cabal and can be readily found online record industry involvement...that must really get your panties in a bunch.

Personally since the RIAA starting suing everyone they felt they could, my record buying habits dropped off an astonishing 90% easily.

So where I used to buy 10 records a year I buy about 1 and it's usually from a used CD store so you don't even see that dime...way to go champ.

In closing you better take stock of your situation before you go spouting off about your greatness as a actual worthwhile litigation cause.

The record industry and the RIAA are nothing more than a dead medium overseen by a inept executive body and you don't even have the sense to know it.

The Emperor has no clothes on.

Welcome To Detroit

Monday, December 8, 2008

Congress Says Look At Our Track Record For Guidance

White House gets bailout plan, but negotiations continue

Congressional Democrats sent the White House an emergency $15 billion auto bailout plan Monday, complete with provision of a "car czar" to oversee the industry's reinvention of itself. The Bush administration said there had been progress toward agreement but pressed further negotiations into the night.

The measure would rush bridge loans to Detroit's struggling Big Three but would also demand that the auto industry restructure itself in order to survive and would put an overseer chosen by President George W. Bush in charge of monitoring that effort, according to the draft obtained by The Associated Press.

At first blush, White House officials suggested privately that the draft plan might fall short of principles behind a broad agreement to give long-term financing only to viable companies. But a later statement from press secretary Dana Perino sounded relatively upbeat about the rescue legislation, which congressional leaders hope to approve in the next few days.

"We've made a lot of progress in recent days to develop legislation to help automakers restructure and achieve long-term viability," she said. "We'll continue to work with members on both sides of the aisle to achieve legislation that protects the good faith investment by taxpayers."

Bush himself said it was "hard to tell" if a deal was imminent because definite conditions had to be met. "These are important companies, but on the other hand, we just don't want to put good money after bad," he said in an interview with ABC's "Nightline."

Senate aides said they thought they were rounding up significant Republican support to ensure passage as early as Wednesday while still hammering out the final details.
The bailout bill that gives automakers seven years to repay the loans at a 5 percent interest rate. Automakers will have to get approval from a government administrator for any transaction of $25 million or more and must submit a detailed long-term restructuring plan by March 31, which must be approved by the White House's designee.

Automakers accepting loans are barred by law from having corporate airplanes.
The government will get stock warrants worth 20 percent of the value of the government loans.

They are also prohibited from taking part in lawsuits against states who are seeking to impose their own vehicle emissions standards.

Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Congress was committed to getting emergency aid to automakers, but said General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co., Chrysler LLC were teetering on the brink largely "through their own ineptitude."
Still, he said "Congress is trying to save Detroit."

Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., a chief Republican ally of the automakers, said on the Senate floor that: "I share and understand the bailout fatigue" of many Americans. "Doing nothing for the auto industry means allowing them to go into bankruptcy."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said negotiations were continuing with the White House, and lawmakers were hoping to create an auto industry that could thrive on its own -- an effort she said would require concessions from management, labor, creditors and others.

"We call this a barbershop. Everybody's getting a haircut," Pelosi said.
Earlier Monday, the White House and a top Democratic lawmaker said they were likely to strike a deal quickly on the multibillion-dollar bailout, which places strict restrictions on the automakers while they're receiving the loans and mandates that the government overseer keep close tabs on their efforts to restructure.

The emergency loans would be drawn from an existing program meant to help the automakers build fuel-efficient vehicles.

Among the requirements included the draft proposal is one that the carmakers getting federal help get rid of their corporate jets -- which became a potent symbol of the industry's ineptitude when the Big Three CEOs used them for their initial trips to Washington to plead before Congress for government aid.

The proposal also would give the overseer -- a kind of "car czar" -- say-so over any major business decisions by the automakers while they're taking advantage of federal aid. The companies would have to open their books to the government, including informing the overseer of any transaction of $25 million or more and any "material change" in their financial condition.

Under the plan, the carmakers could get emergency loans right away. Then the overseer would write guidelines, due on the first of the year, for restructuring the Big Three automakers.

In testimony before Congress last week, General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC, which have said they are weeks from collapse, made it clear they would need a total of $14 billion to $15 billion to survive through early 2009. Ford Motor Co. has said it has enough money to stay afloat unless one of the other Big Three goes under or the economy deteriorates more sharply.

While the measure would put an administration official selected by Bush in charge of setting terms for restructuring, the decision about whether the terms were being met would not be made until President-elect Barack Obama had been sworn in. Congressional Democrats and the White House were working to find a broadly supported candidate who could span the two administrations.

Congressional officials said Kenneth Feinberg, the lawyer who oversaw the federal Sept. 11 victims' compensation fund, was under consideration for the position.
Asked if a deal could be struck for a vote as early as Monday, White House spokeswoman Perino said, "I think it's very likely." That was before the Democrats sent their draft.

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., the Financial Services Committee chairman, said that he, too, expected a deal by the end of the day and enactment by week's end.
In the latest gauge of public opinion, people were split about evenly over providing federal money to keep the car companies functioning.

Forty-five percent approved and 44 percent were opposed, according to a CBS News poll released Monday. Nearly six in 10 Democrats favored the aid, while nearly the same share of Republicans opposed it.

About seven in 10 said the government should have a say in managing the companies if taxpayers provide assistance, and nearly as many said requiring more alternative fuel vehicles should be a condition of such aid. Fifty-six percent blamed management for the companies' problems, double the number who blamed uncontrollable economic problems.

Source For More Hilarity


Washington must be a giant ass magnet because thats all that ends up there.

They give the finance industry 700 billion to help out their bro's in the finance business that technically neither manufactures nor produces anything but paperwork for profit but when an group of actual manufacturers that produce a product and provide employment for untold masses directly and indirectly asks for a bridge loan to get by...congress gets out the bdsm gear and demands "pony-time" from the executives..frankly demeaning them publicly like stern headmasters.

What The F#@* ?

These asswipes DEMAND performance and plans of actions from the auto industry but can't even balance the damn budget...HELLO? CONGRESS?...your 10 trillion in debt you f-wads!

If ANYONE deserves a stern dressing down if not flat out tried for ineptness it's congress.

Is this dog and pony show so we will forget you approved us into two wars, approved the economy into debt by deregulation, approved of flawed trade international aggreements, approved of laws that favored corporations and limited the power of the individual?

Is that why you pout and finger point and yell and glower with such determination?...that we might forget that it was you that brought us to this.


Welcome To Detroit