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Sunday, August 31, 2008

McCain Tries For The Hillary Clinton Disgruntled Vote

John McCain's running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, has run the state's executive branch for two years and supports drilling for oil and gas.

Mich. Republicans excited about Palin

Michigan Republican delegates learned Sunday morning they have a home-grown source of information about Sarah Palin, Alaska's governor and John McCain's running mate.

Delegate Dennis Buchholtz of Warren entertained fellow Michigan delegates on a bus ride to a jazz brunch with stories his daughter, Georgia, told him about Palin, who was her mayor in Wasilla.

"My daughter just saw Sarah Palin at the (Alaska) State Fair, pushing a stroller," said Buchholtz, whose daughter was born in Jackson. "She's as regular and nice a person as you could ever meet."



Well of course she supports drilling in Alaska, that means Alaskian jobs...duh...aside from the tourist industry, fishing or energy...what the freak else is there in Alaska for a career?

Politician I guess.

I heard on the radio today a female conservative DJ, (sorry no idea who or what station just scanning) was stating that Palin was a lifetime member of the NRA, hunted deer, ice fished, fly fished and was pro-life....I was thinking pro-life? Sounds to me like she kills everything she can see within range.

I guess she was trying to say she can hang with the political big dogs or something idiotic like that....who cares?....I know plenty of women that can gut a fish, that doesn't mean I want them a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

This is such a blantant attempt targeting the disgruntled Hillary Clinton backers to join on the right under the assumption that women will vote Republican just to get a female in the White House...How stupid does the McCain camp think women are?

"Shes as regular and nice a person as you can meet"? Well I guess...if you can call having a kid which the rest of us humans have little trouble doing pushing your own child by yourself without any staff assistance and smiling and waving ( at the same time) as nice...then yeah I guess she is real nice....what kind of tool qualifies their vote this way?

Oh yeah...a Republican.

I love the headline Michigan Republicans excited about what?....all three of them?

Republicans in Michigan are becoming an oxymoron thanks to the last 8 years of the previous regime...I mean administration ignoring Michigan's pleas for emergency fiscal attention.

Welcome To Detroit

Let The Wiggling Begin

Detroit mayor offers to quit, pay fine, but jail time snags plea deal

Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is offering to plead guilty to one or two felonies, leave office, pay a fine and restitution and perform community service -- so long as he doesn't go to jail, a source close to his legal team said Sunday.

Frustrated by what they consider stubbornness by Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy in ongoing plea talks, the mayor's lawyers have offered to bring in facilitators -- perhaps a judge or well-respected legal figure -- to review the offer, the source said.

The talks are reaching a critical point. A Wayne County judge is set to rule Tuesday on Kilpatrick's motion to halt removal proceedings against him by Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Those proceedings are set to begin Wednesday in Detroit; lawyers claim the governor has already made up her mind to remove the mayor.


Restitution? Like he has $ 9 Million laying around, his old lawyer is suing him for none payment.

Goodbye Kwami...Thanks for the memories.

Welcome To Detroit

Saturday, August 30, 2008

David Duckovny Addicted To Attention

David Duchovny's sex disorder likened to alcoholism

Duchovny's announcement on Thursday that he was voluntarily going into rehab for sex addiction after years of denying he had a problem, threw a spotlight on a disorder that few celebrities, and even fewer ordinary men and women, admit to.

Often likened to alcoholism, drug addiction or gambling, sex addiction is a form of compulsive behavior which is sending growing numbers of people into therapy but which is not formally recognized as a "diagnosable disorder" by the American Psychiatric Association.

Treatment for sex addiction usually includes psychotherapy, group meetings similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, and sometimes medications like anti-depressants whose common side-effects include a decrease in libido.

Relapse is common, especially since most addicts cannot reasonably be expected to give up sex for the rest of their lives in the way that alcoholics seek never to drink again.


This is such a load.

For one so few people suffer from what is properly termed Nymphomania or Satyriasis that you probably will only encounter it in the forum pages of Penthouse magazine.

"Dear Penthouse, I never thought I would be writing you but I met a girl who is addicted to sex...."

Yeah right, I wish.

Being "addicted to sex" is like being addicted to taking a dump.

"I just can't help myself, it seems like I can barely go a day and I am in the bathroom...taking a dump...oh the shame."

I am willing to bet if he had a $15,000 a year job washing dishes in order to take care of his kids he wouldn't have time to have an "addiction to sex".
I throw 99% of peoples claims of being bipolar into this pile of bullshit as well...just because you treat people like shit doesn't mean your bipolar, it means your an asshole.
There your cured.....That will be $150.00 please.

So this makes David Duchovny Detroit Daily Dirt's Tool of the Day....

Congratulation David, rub one out for us.

Welcome to Detroit

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

His Name Is Mudd...Dan Mudd That Is.

Fannie Shuffles Its Top Leaders

Struggling mortgage giant Fannie Mae shook up its senior management yesterday, announcing the departure of its chief financial officer and two other top executives.

Daniel H. Mudd will continue to serve as chief executive and the departing company officers will be replaced by other Fannie Mae insiders.

The company, battered by the meltdown in the mortgage market, said it was putting in place a team that will help it endure mounting losses that have put the firm's survival at stake.

"This team will be responsible for meeting the dual objectives of conserving capital and controlling credit losses," Mudd said in a statement. "As we move through the bottom of this cycle, maintaining capital, managing credit and driving revenues are the priorities."

District-based Fannie Mae -- along with its sister Freddie Mac of McLean -- are the largest source of mortgage finance across the country. Both made bad bets on securities backed by home loans and have been badly bruised by the housing bust. The companies' shares have lost most of their value this year.



In the article it names those giving their walking papers, I won't bore you here...we'll just call them "those that failed their fellow Americans and help trash the national economy to boot"

As you know from previous posts I am no friend of Fannie Mae and/or Freddie Mac...BUT this is definitely a move in the right direction.

Tip of the hat to Dan Mudd for taking a tough stand AND they appointed staff from inside the company and not outsourced to the "old boy network".

Good job Dan Mudd and keep up the hard line, maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel for Fannie Mae.

Note: I would not want to be one of those former Fannie Mae tools who lost hundreds of millions called onto the carpet for this KNOW that was a serious ass chewing in the bosses office.

Welcome to Detroit

Job Search News

Well I got a couple of good news bits on the job search...well not good but an improvement...well not a couple more like one.

I received an email from Express Employment Professionals, unfortunately they were anything but.

Per their email I called them back to review my resume, Francesca Marie Julianne Romero Stephano Smith (not her real name) took my call.

I explained the email and asked to speak with the person on the email, Betty Mae Gonzalez Cortez Alfredo Johnson (not her real name either), thinking it may just have been a form letter and there was no Betty Mae Gonzalez Cortez Alfredo Johnson.

Well I still don't know, Francesca Marie Julianne Romero Stephano Smith said she was in the middle of an interview and would call me back in 10 minutes and took my number down....never heard from them again.

Just not good cricket as they say over the pond...over here in we call it unprofessional.

My second contact via email by another contractor was a lot more optimistic. I won't name the contract house but my contact seemed eager and was going to start shopping me around...I liked that conversation.

It was what I like to call "the crazy filter" call...they call you to see how you speak, conduct yourself over the phone, discuss some skills you may or may not know just generally see if your a raving lunatic or not.

So nothing concrete but still I am hopeful...I don't want to leave Michigan...I like it here.

Since about June 15th or so I have submitted daily anywhere from 2-20 online applications Monday through Friday...I estimate I have applied to over 300 separate positions.

Just keeping it in perspective for you.

Welcome to Detroit

Veritas Mansuras for President

Veriras Mansuras for President.

Best site ever...better have fun before it crashes.
codebase=",0,40,0" height="304" width="384">

Welcome to Detroit

Incomes Fall In Michigan, Poverty Rises, But Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay

The 2007 median income in Michigan was $47,950, down 1.2 percent or $596 from the 2006 median of $48,546. The state's nationwide ranking slid from 24th to 27th.

They also showed Michigan's rate of "extreme poverty" -- a yearly income of less than half the poverty threshold, or $10,325 for a family of four -- jumped from 6 percent in 2006 to 6.5 percent last year. Eight years ago, the rate was 4.8 percent.



Michigan income down, poverty having best year ever

Impact of economic restructuring shows up in state's rate of 14%; in Detroit, 1 in 3 residents is poor.

Poverty rose across Michigan last year while incomes fell for the third year in a row, according to new data that reveal the widening impact of the state's economic restructuring.

The Census Bureau reported on Tuesday that Michigan's poverty rate crept up to 14 percent, a percentage point above the national rate that it had mirrored in previous years. But the state's poorest cities fared even worse: An estimated one in three Detroiters is in poverty, making the city the poorest large city in the country.

Flint and Kalamazoo, each at 35.5 percent, were even higher.

In the face of an increase in demand, social service agencies are fighting a battle at the other end as well, officials said: donations are down.

That's not surprising given that Michigan's income fell, pushing its rank to 27th in the nation, down from 24th in 2006; it had been 19th in 2003. Only South Dakota, Kentucky and New Mexico also saw incomes fall in 2007. Michigan was the only state that saw both a rise in poverty and decline in income.

Nationally, income rose 1.3 percent in 2007. Maryland, at $68,080, had the nation's highest median household income, well above the national median of $50,740.

Median household income in Michigan, once among the leaders nationwide, was pegged at $47,950 in 2007, which is below the inflation-adjusted 2006 level of $48,521.

Indeed, an estimated 47.8 percent of Detroit children under 18 live below the poverty line -- estimated at $21,027 for a family of four with two children. A year earlier, the city's poverty rate was 43.9 percent. Statewide, the percentage of children in poverty also rose, to 19.4 percent, well above the national rate of 18 percent.

Although the national economy has struggled for over a year, Michigan families have been dealing with the loss of thousands of good-paying jobs for several years as buyouts and layoffs have hammered the auto manufacturers. And many of the replacement jobs often pay half the wages.

Finding a solution .... will require diversifying the economy to minimize the impact of downturns in the auto industry. The state needs to keep its focus on tapping into its high tech and skilled engineering resources and its burgeoning life-science companies.

That's bad news for cities like Detroit.

Meanwhile, the Census data also showed that women both in Michigan and the nation closed the gap on men in regard to income. In Michigan, female full-time workers had median earnings of $34,849, or nearly 72 percent of male full-time workers, up from 70 percent in 2005.

Over the last three years, women have earnings that, adjusted for inflation, are nearly 1 percent lower than in 2005. But the median earnings for men fell farther: 3.4 percent.

The Census released income and poverty figures for the nation, states and counties, cities and metro areas with populations greater than 65,000. The results are based on surveys of 3 million households.

There were a few bright spots for the state. The ranks of those without health insurance fell slightly, down to 10.8 percent during the last three years. Michigan is well below the national rate of 15.4 percent.

Senior citizens also got good news: They continued to do better than the nation, with just 8 percent of those 65 and older in poverty, below the national rate of 9.5 percent.



Welcome to Detroit

Denver Police Arrest 91, Fire Pepper Spray & Pepper Balls At Protesters

Denver Police Arrest 91, Fire Pepper Spray & Pepper Balls at Protesters

As the Democrats celebrated inside the Pepsi Center on the opening day of the convention, outside on the streets police pepper-sprayed protesters and rounded up dozens of them in mass arrests near Civic Center Park.


AMY GOODMAN: As the Democrats celebrated inside the Pepsi Center on opening day of the convention, outside on the streets police pepper-sprayed protesters and rounded up dozens of them in mass arrests. The incident began near the Civic Center Park around 7:00 p.m., where a few hundred protesters had gathered to march. The police arrived in full riot gear, surrounded the protesters, blocking them in before firing pepper spray into the crowd. Protesters fled across the park, where they were met by dozens of police officers who boxed them in. Many of the marchers sat down in the street. Nearly a hundred people were arrested.

Democracy Now! arrived on the scene moments afterwards and spoke with some of the eyewitnesses.

    JACOB: My name is Jacob, and I work with Berkeley CopWatch. We go out, we watch the police when they’re interacting with people. So, obviously, we’re here at the DNC to ensure that police are not utilizing tactics that are against law.

    And what took place about an hour ago is, we had a big group of protesters start marching, and what happened is they cordoned off the block on both sides, and without any warning or nothing, they initiated arrests. Now, the rest of the people that should have had an opportunity to leave were asked to go up the street and then were also enclosed. So, basically, what the police did is they just did a mass arrest with the intention of keeping people in jail for the next two days, so they won’t be out tomorrow, they won’t be out the day after, to protest.

    STEPHEN NASH: I’m Steve Nash with Denver CopWatch. We’re a police accountability group that observes the police, and tonight we watched protesters block the street about a block from here. It’s about fifty protesters in the street. The police came at them in riot gear from both sides and hemmed them in. Then they refused to let anybody out, including people who were just on the sidewalk in the group, who were not actually trying to block the street. I saw one older legal observer who begged for the police to let him out, and they refused. They pushed him back into the crowd. Then they donned their gas masks and began pushing the media and legal observers and the public a block away in each direction and in a very aggressive manner.

    JACOB: 99 percent of the officers tonight that are operating—look behind me—have no identification, which is against the law. An officer has to be identified by a badge or a nameplate. If you look behind me at all these sheriffs, there is not one of them identifiable. As you can see, these guys could hurt us at any given time, and we would not know how to hold them accountable. We can’t identify these guys. These guys are operating with complete impunity.

    JOHN TARLETON: People were generally very calm. There were several legal observers there from the National Lawyers Guild who gave everybody their legal number, because we were—what was, you know, unclear at that moment was whether the police were going to do a mass arrest.

    UNIDENTIFIED PROTESTER: A couple of cops came in and grabbed us and literally picked us up and took us to the processing station behind the building. And one cop was like, “What are we doing with them?” Another officer was like, “We’re arresting them.” Another officer was like, “I don’t know what we’re doing.” Another officer was, “We’re letting them go.” And so, everybody just kept going back and forth. Nobody knew what was going on. And so, eventually, they finally just took mug shots, took pictures of me with my ID, took pictures of me, profile and everything, and one officer was like, “Are you sure we’re letting them go?” He was like—another one was like, “I’m not sure.” And so, they finally just let both of us go.

    RON KOVIC: I was inside of the Sheraton Hotel watching the convention. I had just heard Ted Kennedy’s inspiring speech, and someone whispered in my ear that there’s a riot outside. I immediately left. I left the hotel with a friend, and we came outside. We came outside to see what was happening. I came outside because of my concern for you, because of my concern for the young people who are demonstrating.

AMY GOODMAN: And that last voice was by Ron Kovic, the paralyzed Vietnam veteran, antiwar activist, who arrived on the scene soon after the protesters were arrested. Special thanks to Democracy Now! producer Hany Massoud for that report.

Eileen Clancy is with I-Witness Video. We just have a few seconds for Eileen to comment on what has happened. The behavior of the police that you’ve come to watch as you’ve watched in conventions past, Eileen?

EILEEN CLANCY: One thing, I have never seen more police officers with fewer identification marks on them as I saw last night. It’s a big problem. They have spanking new uniforms. Yet somehow the nameplates didn’t manage to remain attached.


I never saw squat on this on television and I don't have a job so all I do all day is watch friggin TV and look for work blackout on this as far as I am concerned.

Google has almost nothing on it, strange days indeed.

Can't wait for the GOP convention...woohoo!

Welcome to Detroit

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Regional Director For American Income Life

OMG...I have an email from....(shiver)....the Regional Director for American Income Life, a Torchmark Company.

Thats right eat you hearts out you little small filthy working class people.

A genuine, heartfelt, bona fide offer for a outstanding individual like me.

Lets look at their website.


The server at is taking too long to respond.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.


When I check their privacy policy I get the same thing.........

Well how could that be they state in my email they are a top Forbes 400 company that truly believes in honesty, integrity and trust.

Something must be wrong?

Well I chose to opt out as they put it or prompts open a web page and says:

Opt Out Form
Although opt-out should be immediate, please allow 2 to 3 business days for opt-out to complete.

Well I posted it here folks so lets all count the days, this is my forth contact from them by the way to sell their insurance.

If they put this much effect into outside sales instead of trying to hire me they wouldn't need me in the first place.

Forth time in I think a week...sheesh they write me more than any friends I friends don't email me because they know I hate that superfluous email shit.

If its important they call me.

Of course the great site has tons of comments about American Income Life.

Best friggin site ever.

Welcome to Detroit

Madonna's Snapper No Longer Drawing Concert Goers.

RICHMOND, Va. — Governor Tim Kaine said Madonna’s allusion in a concert video to Republican John McCain alongside Adolf Hitler is “stupid.”

But Kaine said Tuesday that Democrat Barack Obama has no duty to comment on what a pop star is saying about political figures in her new “Sticky and Sweet” concert tour.

In his monthly call-in show on Washington’s WTOP radio, Kaine said he was unaware of the video montage. Played as part of the concert, the montage grouped McCain’s picture alongside those of Hitler and Zimbabwe’s dictator, Robert Mugabe.



Yawn....that's about all I can say about Madonna...she was what should have been a blip on the music radar of the 80's but has through sexual innuendo and comments declaring bravado managed to keep her aged albeit financially lucrative career sledging along like a dog sled on dirt.

You know why she has this montage in her concert?

Here I'll tell you the secret...450 articles on and growing.

Madonna is the precursor to Brittany Spears, Pink, Hannah Montana, etc. etc. etc....thats all we really have from Madonna as some kind of legacy, her ability to take a lack of singing talent...add in some dancing and prancing.....wear a bra and no shirt...and voila.....SUPERSTAR!


PS...great pics huh? Isn't she yummy and people are probably paying a few hundy a piece to watch that jump around a stage.

Welcome to Detroit

How Many Lap Dances Does That Work Out To?

Delphi's emergence from bankruptcy is uncertain

Nearly three years after Delphi Corp. filed for bankruptcy, its prospects for emerging soon remain deeply uncertain as the Troy-based auto parts supplier faces growing pressure from investors and the government.

Delphi remains mired in Chapter 11 bankruptcy because it cannot raise the money it needs to operate outside court protection from creditors. The company is seeking court approval to borrow an additional $300 million from General Motors Corp., but investors are objecting to Delphi's continued reliance on its former parent when GM is facing deep financial trouble of its own. A court hearing on the loan that was scheduled for today has been postponed until next month.

For now, it turns to GM, which has loaned Delphi $650 million and is prepared to add $300 million. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert Drain has set a Sept. 23 hearing on the loan, which has been criticized by one of Delphi's largest investors.

That loan is "a Band-Aid (albeit an enormously expensive and porous Band-Aid)," Highland Capital Management LP said in a court filing last week. Highland said Delphi is losing "staggering sums of money" at an "alarming rate," noting that it burned through $960 million in cash in the first six months of the year.

There also are significant questions about Delphi's ability to meet its pension fund obligations. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., which insures the nation's pension plans, is urging Delphi and GM to shift some of that burden to GM.


Delphi rocked the auto industry when it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Oct. 8, 2005. Since then, it has lost $11.8 billion, closed 21 of its 29 U.S. factories and cut its hourly work force by nearly 50 percent, and its salaried work force by almost 40 percent.

The supplier has spent $3 billion to offer buyouts and early retirements to thousands of hourly workers. This month, it reported a $551 million second-quarter loss and said it would cut 600 more salaried workers, mostly in Indiana.

Delphi is tight-lipped about its progress in bankruptcy. Spokesman Lindsey Williams said the company continues to talk with GM, its unions, government agencies and others about resolving the pension funding problem.

"We do not provide commentary regarding ongoing negotiations," he said. Williams also said Miller planned to remain with Delphi through the bankruptcy.

Despite the delays and continuing problems, Delphi executives say the company will emerge from bankruptcy, but as a much smaller, more profitable company.


Again...leaving the same people in charge who got the company in the sad state it's in now in the first place.

How is it EVER legally and morally justifiable that a company can promise retirement benefits then renege at a later more convenient time?

This is the kind of thing that makes retirees pick up a gun and go balistic and I can't blame them one bit.

I can resolve this though.

A) Make all executive operating officers of companies of this scale legally and criminally accountable for failure to honor contracts and keeping the company financially resolute. (This is justified by the enormous pay scales which already exist, they just get paid to fail currently.)

B) Fire them via court order and have the court post the positions for people actually qualified whom may not be in the "old boy network".


Steve Miller is just as tough on UAW president Ron Gettelfinger. Since the opportunities for retribution are frequent and one-sided, auto executives almost never criticize union leaders in public. But Miller is fearless, at least in print. He butted heads with Gettelfinger over Delphi, and found the union boss stubborn, inflexible, and occasionally nasty. After Miller put together what he thought was a reasonable compensation package to keep Delphi executives from departing the bankrupt company, Gettelfinger denounced it as "obscene" and "outrageous," and then attacked Miller personally for disrespecting workers and destroying the middle class.

Miller won the public relations battle by declaring he would cut his own salary to $1 a year. But the war continued. "Gettelfinger's disdain was not confined to me," Miller writes . "He simply couldn't get along with anyone," referring to Delphi's executives as "pigs at the trough." During the last half year of negotiations, Gettelfinger refused to meet personally with anyone from Delphi. Miller concludes: "Gettelfinger was a big disappointment. An industry in crisis needs leaders who can rise above the tactics of intimidation that may have worked decades earlier."

A sadly-shrunken Delphi is due to emerge from bankruptcy in March with a fraction of the union workers it once enjoyed. Miller, now executive chairman, is looking forward to the retirement at his Oregon home that he has been postponing for years He may not get a chance to enjoy it. With the economy now in a tailspin, his skills as "the Turnaround Kid" may drag him off the sidelines once again.



The Turnaround Kid just made tool of the day.

I like the $1 a year thing...good PR...means nothing.....but it is good PR...These guys get Class A stock options and contracts like you would not believe...did you think he was going to have to cut coupons while making a dollar a year....please...most of these guys don't even pay for their own gas for their company cars...or planes...or boats....or helicopters....

How do you pay for the gas for your helicopter?

Welcome to Detroit, get paid millions to fail then retire to Boca Raton.

You Mean You Want Me To Sell Things For You? Gee Thanks


ANOTHER job offer this morning from Algomod Technologies Corporation via email.

My second, they must want me so bad...I can't blame them...I am a hunka hunka burning IT knowledge.

And my skills listed on my resume must have SO much in common with whatever it is they are selling.

On the other hand I am gaining invaluable knowledge on how to spot these spam offers and where they are coming from.

Here are three hints on how to get your email name sold all over the frigging world for being you won't get any money for your email but that other people can and will.

Oh sure...I probably had to check some box or radio button saying I was ok with them selling my email as they saw fit...but to tell you the truth I expected some sort of ethical behavior on their part that they wouldn't supply it to less than reputable agents...I know naive.

So in keeping with my method of attaching naughty keywords to every article about these spam job offers I give you......
Poon, Boob, Swallow, Mouth, Upskirt, Asian, BBW, Backdoor, Jugs, Huge, Cheerleader, Flash.

Welcome to Detroit

Granholm Due To Act....Maybe...Sort Of...We'll See

Gov. may decide on ouster hearing today

Gov. Jennifer Granholm is expected to announce today whether she'll proceed with hearings next week that could remove Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick from office, amid continued speculation that a plea deal could still be in the works for the embattled mayor.

Granholm is expected to announce her intentions after reading final legal arguments submitted Monday by attorneys for Kilpatrick and the City Council.

In the briefs, council attorney William Goodman argued Granholm would "set a dangerous precedent" if she fails to act or delays hearings. The mayor's general counsel, Sharon McPhail, accused the council of engaging in a disingenuous power grab.


"The Detroit City Council has wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars paying for an attorney to conduct a political witch hunt against the Mayor," McPhail wrote, a reference to Goodman, who has a contract for up to $260,000.

"(The mayor) respectfully requests that the Honorable Jennifer Granholm decline to join the lynch mob: That she stand up for the rule of law and dismiss this factually inadequate and politically motivated petition."


I don't know what dirt the mayor has on McPhail but she certainly has changed her tune on Kwami.

Get in the way back machine again Mr. Peabody, this is going be a fun one.


"....She didn't mention that she was one of the mayor's biggest critics when she served on the council, once calling him a "thug" and claiming he tried to electrocute her."



Sharon McPhail is either A) as nutty as they come or B) The mayor has dirt on her he has threatened to use...seriously what else could it be to cause the crap to flow from her mouth like an artisan spring from the anus.

Maybe Kwami has magical powers over women and that's how he got Christine Beatty's knee a-knockin.

Welcome to Detroit, The circus is coming to town.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Yet Another United American Offer To Me

ANOTHER United American offer to sell their crappy product came to me via email again today, this makes three times now they have sent me an "amazing offer".

Get this...they have to open 40 more branch offices by's 2008 you idiots update your spam to at least make the attempt at authenticity.

United American is a Torchmark Company that is supposed to mean something to me?

Do they have to keep changing their holding company? I wonder why?

Well let's go through the motions...

I will try and see their privacy policy again at

Nope...I just get "The server at is taking too long to respond."

Oh Well...I wonder if people look up their name and see this article...maybe if it was attached to some tasty words such as:

Poon, Boob, Swallow, Mouth, Upskirt, Asian, BBW, Backdoor, Jugs, Huge, Cheerleader, Flash.

That may get someone's attention....

Now Remember when you think United American a Torchmark Company you think Poon, Boob, Swallow, Mouth, Upskirt, Asian, BBW, Backdoor, Jugs, Huge, Cheerleader, Flash.

Welcome to Detroit

More Urban Prosperity In Metro Detroit

More Urban Prosperity In Metro Detroit

Jim's place closed

Computer store couldn't find anyone to buy stuff, had to close.

I guess nobody rents videos anymore, this place sold everything then closed.

Friggin HUGE store...totally empty now

Front of it is starting to look overgrown too, windows must have been broke.

This place sold Halloween crap...LAST YEAR. They didn't even bother to take their signs down when they left....pretty huh? It's right next to the place above.

This place looks open doesn't it? It's been closed for a while one goes out to eat dinner much anymore in Metro Detroit.

Welcome to Detroit

Sales? Sales! ...We Don't Need No Stinking Sales.

Job offer this morning from Algomod Technologies Corporation via email.

The email said "they strongly urge me to contact them immediately" about the position....sheesh could they try any harder to be a sales company. No one says that one.

Google search shows a few people don't recommend it...some of the accusations from the net were a) body shop, b) spam house, c) poor pay.

Nothing TOO incriminating but enough to make me doubt the validity, so to email filter hell it goes.

I actually had two positions appear in local papers that wanted hard copy resumes only, which I thought was weird, especially for technology firms in this day and age.

Aren't hard copy resumes sent in envelopes going the way of the dinosaur?

One was for a fortune 100 technology company, the other for a local school system IT department.

I have had to look through the flood of mail that comes from a want ad, who the heck would want that on paper? It was hard enough getting hundreds of applicants via email.

So back online with the shotgun approach to getting hired, apply to hundreds and hundreds of places and hope to get two call backs.

Best advice I received so far was from a Detroit Daily Dirt reader in the comments fields.

Something to the effect of "Hunting online is a waste of time, better to use your network of friends"

She couldn't have been more correct, a friend asked for my resume over the weekend...hope it works out.

Welcome to Detroit

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lenawee Doesn't Deserve This.

Lenawee County’s jobless rate leaped to 11.2 percent in July, the county’s highest rate since 1991. The statewide jobless rate is 9.1 percent.

The jump into double-digit unemployment last month resulted from annual temporary layoffs in the auto industry being combined with a slow construction season and weakness in the leisure and retail business climate, said a state government analyst. Lenawee County’s jobless rate was 9.5 percent jobless in June. All counties in Michigan saw an increase in unemployment in July.

Lenawee County was particularly hard hit, moving from 60th place in employment among Michigan’s 83 counties in June to 65th place in July. Lenawee County’s 11.2 percent jobless rate is the county’s highest since it reached 12.7 percent in March 1991



The good people of Lenawee don't deserve this.

If there were alternative businesses in Michigan they could trade up on careers.

But alas Michigan has kowtowed to the auto industry for so long we are crippled by it's inevitable disappearance.

We have virtually no public transportation, no taxi service, no train service, no subway...that's what the auto industry has brought to Michigan, exclusion of all possible competing business models.

Welcome to Detroit

Jennifer Granholm - Excuse Tool

Dems tap Granholm for alternative energy session

Gov. Jennifer Granholm will play a role in the Democratic National Convention in Denver after all: She'll moderate a town hall meeting Tuesday night on alternative energy, one of her favorite topics.

The governor was contacted late Thursday by the Barack Obama campaign about leading the energy discussion, and unveiled the plans at a news conference Friday.

"Michigan was selected for that because we have been focused on alternative and renewable energy," said Granholm.

Details of the energy session -- time, place, participants -- haven't been determined, the governor's office said.

Granholm has been pushing an energy package that includes a mandate that 10 percent of the state's electricity be generated by renewable sources by 2015. But the legislation hasn't passed the Senate. She has said the location of alternative energy businesses here depends on passage of the bills.

She blamed Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop, R-Rochester, for blocking the measure.

"Who's holding this back? It's one man. His name is Mike Bishop," Granholm said. "We got a bipartisan package out of the House."

Matt Marsden, spokesman for Bishop, said the senator has been available all summer to work out a compromise on the energy package.

"He hasn't heard from the governor since June," Marsden said. "It's the governor's failure to step up and lead that's the problem here despite what she says to her buddies in Denver."


The governor again declined to say whether she would like Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to attend the convention -- he, like she, is a super delegate by virtue of his high standing in the party -- and refused to field any questions about the mayor's legal problems or the Sept. 3 removal hearing in Detroit that Granholm will conduct.


I agree with Matt.

I don't know about all this jazz, I haven't seen Granholm do one thing positive for the state during her whole she is going to blame someone else...try and get everyone on the "party card"

She can't even decide to dethrone Kwami Kilpatrick when the whole state cries out for it.

What alternative energies?


We have jack squat for alternative energy policy, progress or projects in this state who is she trying to kid?

Oh and I.

Welcome to Detroit

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Big 3 Seek $50B In Taxpayer Money Because They Don't Know How To Do Their Job Right.

Big 3 seek $50B in fed loans

McCain now backs help for car makers; Money sought to retool plants

Detroit's Big Three automakers are planning an aggressive push on Capitol Hill as they seek up to $50 billion in low-cost loans to speed the development and production of more fuel-efficient vehicles.

General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC would use the money to help pay for retooling of older assembly plants and developing advanced technologies.

The lobbying effort comes as the car makers face dramatically higher fuel economy mandates and consumers are demanding more fuel-friendly options in an era of high gas prices. The Big Three are revamping their product lineups to include smaller, fuel-sipping models.

An energy bill Congress passed last year authorized but did not fund $25 billion in direct loans to help automakers meet the new fuel standards. The financially-strapped companies now want additional funding, but it is not clear how much they hope to obtain.



I don't agree with this proposed action, in my opinion if you can not operate your company at a profit level and sustain your business model YOU DESERVE to go out of business.

That is what "should" happen in a capitalist society driven by market demands.

Don't forget the big three automotive companies just laid off huge numbers of people and now also are probably salivating over this proposed bail out.

It's easy money.

The executive officers at any of the big three are a total embarrassment to the business world and everyone is buying into the mystique of their excuses.

Now us here at Detroit Daily Dirt...the American auto industry provided a crappy product for decades, provided crappy service for decades, laughed at the possibility of imports taking a lions share of the market.

I also hold the auto workers union, the UAW responsible for half of this debacle.

This "union" lost it's balls decades ago. They kept problem employees on site for years, take a galling amount of pay from the employees and stood by and did nothing while it's own membership population has been whittled down inch by inch for decades....the UAW is a total paper tiger that does nothing but raise the cost of the product.

What happens to you or I if we are business entrepreneurs and are failing in our task?...we certainly don't get a billion dollar helping hand from the taxpayers (i.e. the customer) when we can't sell our widgets.

Can you imagine your grocery store asking you for $100 dollars for a loaf of bread because they have upper management that doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground?

No you can't and neither can I.

Welcome to Detroit

McCain - Republican Nominee For Tool Of The Day

McCain goes for the mud

I once heard of a man so rich he didn't know his kids were in college. The story was a joke. But Sen. John McCain, Republican presidential nominee-to-be, brought it back to mind when he forgot how many houses he owns.

Asked during an interview with how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own, McCain hesitated, then muttered, "I'll have my staff get to you."

You know you're doing pretty good in life when you have to ask your staff how many houses you own.

McCain's embarrassment was compounded when his staff, caught off guard, also sounded uncertain at first as to how many houses McCain and his wife owned. News reports eventually counted at least seven houses and condominiums in five cities, including La Jolla, Calif., Arlington, Va. and Hidden Valley, Ariz.



Wow...I don't even know what to kind of says it all doesn't it? you think he knows how much bread or milk costs the average consumer if he doesn't know how many houses he owns.

How many houses can he live in at once?

Which one does HE consider home?

Just how green can he claim to be when he is heating and cooling more houses than he knows about?

Who pays his bills on these? We figure them out ourselves at my house.

How many phone numbers does he own? What if one of his staff calls the chicks with dicks line on a phone he owns?

How many illegal aliens do you think might be taking care of his lawns?

Is his Indian name "squaw with too many tepees"?

"Do you hear that sound Mr.Anderson?.....thats the sound of inevitability"
-Agent Smith, The Matrix

Welcome to Detroit

Friday, August 22, 2008

Kwami Says He Sorry, Won't Destroy Another City Again

Kilpatrick rejects deal for resignation

If Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick resigns office by Sept. 3, the Attorney General's office will drop one of the felony charges against him, a representative from that office said this morning at his court arraignment.

But Kilpatrick's attorney James Thomas quickly rejected the offer after the hearing, calling it "gratuitous."

Kilpatrick stood mute and the court entered a not-guilty plea on the two felony charges he faces for an alleged July 24 altercation with investigators assigned to his perjury case.


Sweet......I don't know what I would do if he did quit.

Probably just sit around all day making deposits into the spank bank, after you apply to several hundred places for work whats a guy to do?

I am now officially calling this Festivus Detroiticus, a constantly running holiday until Kwami resigns. Something akin to Circus Maximus only not even mildly entertaining.

Don't you love the pitiful forlorn look, that thousand yard stare for the media to take pity on?

PULEEZE...he has obviously mastered that look with years of getting caught doing bad things and wiggling out of it.

I can't get a girl
cuz I ain't got a car
I can't get a car
cuz I ain't got a job
I can't get a job
cuz I ain't got a car
So I'm looking for a girl
with a job and a car
Don't you know where you are

Lost in America

_Alice Cooper

Welcome to Detroit

Machiavelli's Princes OR Meet The Turds? You Decide.

The Synagro deal: FBI investigates Detroit City Council

A waste contract approved last year by the Detroit City Council is under federal investigation. The council voted 5-4 in November 2007 to award Synagro Technologies Inc., based in Houston, Texas, a contract to handle the city's processed sewage for close to $47 million a year.

Good link shows much of the timeline history of the scandal in Detroit I recommend it.

A study in Machiavellian policies applied to modern day politics.

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Detroit City Council

City Council President Pro Tem Monica Conyers was back at work Thursday -- after more than a month in recovery from outpatient surgery -- and said she's done nothing wrong in connection with the federal investigation into a $47 million sludge deal. - 08/08/2008

City Councilwoman Martha Reeves met with James R. Rosendall, the suspended Synagro Technologies Inc. official who is at the center of an FBI and grand jury investigation. - 07/26/2008

City Council member Sheila Cockrel said Thursday she received a grand jury subpoena to produce all her documents related to two deals approved by the City Council under federal investigation. Cockrel also confirmed that she got a letter from the FBI saying her conversations were picked up on federal wiretaps of other people's phones. Her phones were not tapped and Cockrel repeatedly has said she is not a target of the investigation and did nothing improper.
- 07/17/2008

FBI agents told City Councilwoman Barbara-Rose Collins on Tuesday that she is the "subject" of a federal public corruption probe into accusations that city officials accepted money to approve a sludge-hauling contract, she confirmed. - 07/09/2008

Well one things for sure, if they received kick backs they sure didn't blow them on makeovers.

The FBI is probing the 5-4 vote last November of a contract with Synagro Technologies Inc. of Houston to provide sludge hauling. Several council members denied they are targets of the probe, which sources say has focused on a former aide to Cockrel, Synagro lobbyist James Rosendall, his minority partner in the deal, Rayford Jackson, and Councilwoman Monica Conyers.

Rosendall is a cooperating witness in the investigation. His attorneys issued a statement on his behalf Monday saying, "the Synagro contract was, and still is a good deal for the city of Detroit. It will save the city millions in sludge disposal cost. It also significantly reduces emissions in Detroit."

"I made a mistake; I did business with the city of Detroit," Rosendall said in the statement. " I am fully cooperating with the FBI."

I love that last line, it says it all doesn't it? Had to put it in bold.

Mama been laid off
Papa been laid off
My brothers been laid off
For more than two years now
Ooh, can't get a job
Billy can't get a job
Ooh, they gotta listen to the blues


Welcome to Detroit

Why I Love Michigan

The wedding was on a Michigan beach, the reception was in an art gallery -- but a former Chicago couple's wedding night was spent in separate jail cells after both bride and groom got shocked by a police Taser and arrested at their raucous reception.

Gallery co-owner Tom Burnison, however, said that, fueled by alcohol, it got out of control and potentially dangerous, including when a guest heaved a metal lamp into a plate glass window.

One guest was seen drinking straight out of a vodka bottle.

The officer called for backup and told everyone the party was over.

It's a must read people click the link.



First off thank God for cell phone cameras and digital cameras...they make life so entertaining.

Throwing lamps? Drinking from fifth bottles? How come I never get to go to these things?

Last wedding I went to was no alcohol, no nicotine, no caffeine and no I am not kidding.

And why is it everyone feels they have to act like a rock star on a reality show when they get drunk?

Welcome to Detroit

This Is Why Kwami IsTrying So Hard

Investigators to interview new witness in Tamara Greene lawsuit

A Detroit Fire Department lieutenant who came forward after five years to say he encountered an injured Tamara Greene said he has been contacted by Wayne County prosecutors and the state Attorney General's Office to set up official interviews for his statement.

Lt. Michael J. Kearns spoke to the media Thursday about his encounter with Greene, who told him she had been beaten by the Detroit mayor's wife after dancing at Manoogian Mansion in the fall of 2002. Greene was 27 in 2003 when shot to death in a car on the city's west side.

Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has consistently denied that the party ever happened. Attorney General Mike Cox investigated it and dismissed it as an urban legend. However, former Deputy Chief Gary Brown and another officer successfully sued the city for $8.4 million because they alleged, among other things, that they were retaliated against because they either had knowledge of or were ready to investigate the existence



I just love that mug shot of Christine Beatty and Kwami Kilpatrick, Can you imagine them going at it?

It would be like two circus giants fighting in some WWF match gone awry, you know it was hot sweaty nasty talking power trip sex too.

And there is lovely Carlita, she is the one who started all this...get in your way back machine Mr.Peabody.

If you remember she was the one who wanted a Cadillac Escolade paid for by the City of Detroit, The city council denied it, she got one anyway on the city's dime, news reporters here in Detroit found was all downhill from there.

You just know Carlita was ripping Kwami a new one when he told her he couldn't get her he pressed for it again back at the office, just some yelling and bullying an voila` she got her car.

That one seemingly small and petty event has exploded every one of the corrupt nuts in Detroit government for what they are and what they have done.

If they find out what happens to Tamara Green....its one of the main reasons I am still in Michigan is just waiting for this to injustice to be rectified by the courts.

It will reaffirm my faith in humanity.

Welcome to Detroit

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Michigan Unemployment Compared To The Rest Of You Slackers

NOTE:Click on the pics to get the legends, I ain't gonna change the whole dang blog for three stupid spreadsheets.

Hey you slackers in the other 49 , c'mon and just try and beat us...


While looking for work I get bored and look at other interesting sites like the unemployment data above from the government.

The national unemployment average was listed as 5.7% for 2008 and 4.6% for 2007...well thats a whole 1.1% higher, somebody is doing their job right in Washington.

Michigan for 2008 an astounding 8.5% currently. (This month alone shows 9.1% as the current prediction for Michigan but that goes up and down apparently as data is pulled)

When you consider most homes are two income homes since the 60's when all this lack of government capability to do basic accounting AND keep the GNP worth something...the 8.5% actually is probably effecting twice that amount of families or 17% of Michiganders being effected, now that only counts working lets throw in say 2 kids...I don't have enough toes to count that high a percentage.

So in Michigan we have 8.5% flat out of work, 17% or more directly impacted by the previous 8.5% and throwing 2 kids that could be considered 34% effected by layoffs of the initial 8.5% (a guesstimate just for arguments sake.)

Dare we throw in the supporting businesses whom supply that 34% with goods who will now see a drop off in purchases?

Dare we extrapolate what happens when they need to layoff and close?

It sends shivers down my spine to think how tenuous the economic situation in Michigan is.

P.S. Puerto Rico was the only U.S. possession and/or state to beat Michigan with 11.3% but that stands to reason because since they don't get to vote no one in Washington gives a crap about them.

Welcome to Detroit

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lookie Maw....The Insurance Company That Wants Me to Work For Them Changed Their Name Again.

If you see the previous post with United American asking me to work for them, guess what? They wrote me again within 24 hours to say they have been trying to contact me with a job opening AND apparently they have changed their name in the past 24 hours to American Income.

WTF !?!?

Every time the write me with this bullshit offer I will post another entry on this blog.

And guess what...their link that wasn't working yesterday..

Yeah it still doesn't work.

What a piece of shit company American Income and/or United American is.

Welcome to Detroit

Lookie Maw.....I Gots Me Another Insurance Job Offer From This Here Interweb Thingy Machine!

Well today in my usual barrage of "thanks but no thanks" emails from jobs I applied for I got yet another suspect job offer.

This time from United American Jobs

It states at the bottom in the disclaimer fine print that they found my email because I either posted it on a job website OR asked them directly.

Well I sure didn't contact them to sell their insurance or sell anything of theirs so yet again does a job website make money off my email address while I am trying to use their services...bunch of crap.

I should at least get a cut even if my email is sold without my permission.

Consider it like anything else I produce or manufactured or even like a piece of art I made.....

I made the email's mine...without what I made the job website couldn't have sold anything because they didn't produce or manufacture any part of my email address.

They just stole it under the false pretense of me possibly getting a job and then sold it.

Anyhow trying to look up the privacy policies on the email suspect offer just produce browser timeouts, another sign the place may not be reputable.

It says UA (United American NOT to be confused with United Artists) is a Torchmark Company..well they didn't pay their internet provider bill or something because I can't get to their site like I said ....

I would post the email but I know how these companies roll, they would be all up at arms that their email bait was posted without their permission for the whole world to see...kind of like what the job website does with my email address. tells me all I need to know about these folks: on United American

Tons of comments, some as recent as two days ago...sheesh.

So there you have my typical day.

Wake up, get coffee, check email, adjust filters on the plethora of email scam addresses I get in my inbox, look for more job offers online and get my email address stolen and sold by countless new sites, go to bed.

Welcome to Detroit