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Friday, August 22, 2008

Machiavelli's Princes OR Meet The Turds? You Decide.

The Synagro deal: FBI investigates Detroit City Council

A waste contract approved last year by the Detroit City Council is under federal investigation. The council voted 5-4 in November 2007 to award Synagro Technologies Inc., based in Houston, Texas, a contract to handle the city's processed sewage for close to $47 million a year.

Good link shows much of the timeline history of the scandal in Detroit I recommend it.

A study in Machiavellian policies applied to modern day politics.

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Detroit City Council

City Council President Pro Tem Monica Conyers was back at work Thursday -- after more than a month in recovery from outpatient surgery -- and said she's done nothing wrong in connection with the federal investigation into a $47 million sludge deal. - 08/08/2008

City Councilwoman Martha Reeves met with James R. Rosendall, the suspended Synagro Technologies Inc. official who is at the center of an FBI and grand jury investigation. - 07/26/2008

City Council member Sheila Cockrel said Thursday she received a grand jury subpoena to produce all her documents related to two deals approved by the City Council under federal investigation. Cockrel also confirmed that she got a letter from the FBI saying her conversations were picked up on federal wiretaps of other people's phones. Her phones were not tapped and Cockrel repeatedly has said she is not a target of the investigation and did nothing improper.
- 07/17/2008

FBI agents told City Councilwoman Barbara-Rose Collins on Tuesday that she is the "subject" of a federal public corruption probe into accusations that city officials accepted money to approve a sludge-hauling contract, she confirmed. - 07/09/2008

Well one things for sure, if they received kick backs they sure didn't blow them on makeovers.

The FBI is probing the 5-4 vote last November of a contract with Synagro Technologies Inc. of Houston to provide sludge hauling. Several council members denied they are targets of the probe, which sources say has focused on a former aide to Cockrel, Synagro lobbyist James Rosendall, his minority partner in the deal, Rayford Jackson, and Councilwoman Monica Conyers.

Rosendall is a cooperating witness in the investigation. His attorneys issued a statement on his behalf Monday saying, "the Synagro contract was, and still is a good deal for the city of Detroit. It will save the city millions in sludge disposal cost. It also significantly reduces emissions in Detroit."

"I made a mistake; I did business with the city of Detroit," Rosendall said in the statement. " I am fully cooperating with the FBI."

I love that last line, it says it all doesn't it? Had to put it in bold.

Mama been laid off
Papa been laid off
My brothers been laid off
For more than two years now
Ooh, can't get a job
Billy can't get a job
Ooh, they gotta listen to the blues


Welcome to Detroit

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