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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

30 Reasons The US Economy Is Failing

30 Reasons The United States Economy Is Falling Apart (No priority indicated)

  1. NAFTA (as a policy)
  2. Ineffectual U.S. Labor Unions
  3. Outsourcing As Profit Producing Measure For U.S. Companies (facet of NAFTA in practice).
  4. Foreign Energy Dependency (Bush -Kerry 2004 Election Quotes On Energy)
  5. Bloated Federal /State Bureaucracies
  6. Failed Trickle Down Economics Philosophy
  7. Prime Rate Mortgage Policy As It Evolved 2000 to 2008
  8. Federal Lending Deregulation
  9. Federal Stock Market Deregulation
  10. Republican Presidency 2000-2008 (Policies And Practices Of)
  11. Republican Majority (108th and 109th Congress, Policies And Practices Of)
  12. Private Commercial And Federal Promotion Of Consumerism As A Patriotic Responsibility
  13. International Trade Tariffs Which Favor Foreign Imports And Not Domestic Exports
  14. "Promotion Of Democracy" By Military Invasion Afghan 2001-present, Iraq 2003-present
  15. Military Industrial Complex As Business Entity Involved In U.S. Policy
  16. Republican Vice President Exceeding His Duties Of Office By Self Redefinition Of Same.
  17. Fiat Monetary System Chosen To Replace Gold And/Or Silver Standard
  18. Federal Tax Structure Benefiting The Wealthiest Via Cost Shift To "The Working Class"
  19. Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (FIRREA)  S&L Bailout
  20. Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (aka $700 Billion Dollar Bailout)
  21. War On Drugs (Domestic And Foreign)
  22. War On Terrorism (Domestic And Foreign, Policies And Practices)
  23. Current And Ongoing Occupation Of Two Foreign Nations
  24. Inferior Domestic Manufacturing Ability And Design
  25. "Brain Drain" Of Collegiate Graduates Exiting The U.S. After Obtaining Formal Education
  26. Retirement Of Alan Greenspan As Chairman Of Federal Reserve 1987-2006
  27. Appointment Of Ben Bernanke As Chairman Of Federal Reserve October, 2005
  28. Cost Of Living/Inflation Outpacing Federal Minimum Wage Standards
  29. Illegal Immigration Into U.S. Via Canada And Mexico
  30. Incarceration Of 1 Of Every 100 American Citizens Or 1% Of Total U.S. Population

Welcome To Detroit


  1. Yes yes and yes! I keep saying this, and i didn't think anyone was listening! Thank you!

  2. Well. You helped on a history project. Thanks lol
