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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kilpatrick Chooses To Not Pay Court Ordered Fines

Kilpatrick, Compuware subpoenaed

Worthy alleges failure to meet probation terms

Subpoenas were issued Friday ordering former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his employer, Compuware, to turn over records prosecutors believe will show he violated probation and hid his true financial worth.

Why would Compuware employ a known criminal in such a high paying position?

Orders to immediately produce documents concerning Kilpatrick's pay and assets were authorized by Wayne County Circuit Judge David Groner at the request of Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.

Kilpatrick is expected to return from his Texas home next month to attend an Oct. 28 hearing before Groner on the prosecutor's allegations that Kilpatrick has "flagrantly" and "willfully" failed to meet terms of his probation stemming from guilty pleas to felony assault and obstruction of justice charges he entered last year in the text message scandal.

A second subpoena issued to Compuware demands "all payroll records, records of disbursements, including but not limited to payroll records, commission payments and or advances, car allowances, travel allowances, loans, gifts and or any other benefits and or payments made to Kwame Kilpatrick or any third party on his behalf for January 2009 to present."

Kilpatrick's lawyer, Michael Alan Schwartz, said earlier this week his client denies violating probation. Schwartz said he's not sure Worthy ever presented Kilpatrick with documents needed to transfer his bond and pension assets.

Alan PULLEEZE! Kim Worthy's office and legal administrative efforts have been nothing short of spectacularly pristine. What a pathetic excuse, is that what all those years of legal eduction get you in terms of legal expertise?...Shoot I could do that.

Schwartz labeled the coming hearing in Groner's court as "a public relations event."

Alan you just tied your wagon to Detroit's most famous criminal..probably not your best move.

Schwartz wasn't available for comment Friday. Representatives for Compuware could not be reached for comment.

Of course not, the parties most humilted by events tend to shy aware from the public eye.

Groner in March set a payment schedule based on 30 percent of Kilpatrick's monthly income.

Payments were set at $6,000 per month because the judge was told Kilpatrick would earn a base salary of $120,000, plus advances that doubled his monthly income during the first six months he worked as a salesman in Texas for Compuware subsidiary Covisint.

As part of his plea-bargain agreement, which averted a trial on multiple felony charges, Kilpatrick agreed to resign his office, serve jail time, give up his law license, not run for office during five years of probation and pay the city $1 million in restitution.

Pay stubs obtained by The Detroit News show Kilpatrick was paid $57,000 during his first six months as a salesman for Covisint. Kilpatrick also took $60,000 in advances on expected bonuses and commissions.

I know this much, I won't be buying any Covisint or Compuware products anytime soon.

This guy ruins Detroit, lives in a Texas mansion in a gated community, gets a cushy job at a "Detroit based" business, drives a Escalade and STILL tries to get out of what payments the court ordered him to provide.

How fast would you or I be in jail if we pulled this crap?

...and people say there isn't any class preferential treatment in this country....yeah right.



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