Here's the skinny on Dick Cheney's rant....Obama's failing because see this one nut job got through...I told you...I told didn't listen did you?...but I told you.
Listen Dick, there will always be a lunatic fringe, just take a look in the mirror.
This guy got through and thank God didn't have the sense, ability, luck on his side to succeed
HARDLY a platform to come out of retirement from whatever board your sitting on now to hurl hindsight, sideline criticism.
As I recall 9/11 happened on your watch....not the current sitting President.
White house communications director , Dan Pfeiffer sums it up well I think:
"For seven years after 9/11, while our national security was overwhelmingly focused on Iraq -- a country that had no al Qaeda presence before our invasion -- Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda's leadership was able to set up camp in the border region of Pakistan and Afghanistan, where they continued to plot attacks against the United States."
Cheney and his boy toy Bush had very nearly installed a permanent, illegal and immoral military-industrial coop that almost ruined this country by taking rights away from law abiding American citizens and rendering most of the countries population financially precarious in the process with de-regulating their pals on wall street and in the mortgage industry AND Al-Qaeda was able to get through with a effective, undetected and successful attack on U.S. soil.
Way to go Dick.
Since Dick's arm chair coaching seems to be based on the "hind sight is 20/20" mentality perhaps he would appreciate the same burning examination of his track record?
Dick Cheney is what the fore-fathers of this nation wanted to protect us from.
Dick Cheney is lucky his isn't in one of his illegal prisons for high crimes against the state.
Welcome To Detroit
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