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Thursday, July 31, 2008

President Bush Is Hiding Something And It Is Probably Against The Law

WASHINGTON - President Bush's top advisers are not immune from congressional subpoenas, a judge ruled Thursday in an unprecedented dispute between the two political branches of the U.S. government.

The House Judiciary Committee wants to question the president's chief of staff, Josh Bolten, and former legal counsel Harriet Miers about the firing in 2006 of nine U.S. attorneys.

But Bush says they are immune from such subpoenas, arguing that Congress can't force them to testify or turn over documents.



There is only one reason anyone ever refuses to talk, they have something to hide.

I have no problem going before congress, why would these folks refuse to go?

It continues:


White House spokesman Tony Fratto and Justice Department spokesman Peter Carr said they were reviewing the court's opinion and declined immediate comment.

The House earlier this year approved contempt citations against Bolten and Miers. They were cited for refusing to comply with subpoenas demanding documents and testimony in a congressional probe into the firings.

Karl Rove part of controversy
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., then sued the administration over the issue. Not included in the suit was former Bush aide Karl Rove, but Democrats also want him to testify.


Nothing says criminal more than someone, not just anyone but our governing officials, who refuses to show up and testify.

The U.S. is now 10.6 trillion dollars in debt, it will take 27000 years to pay it off at a million dollars a day....and this is how they spend their time at the Whitehouse.

"I ain't gonna tell and you can't make me...nyah nyah nyah!"

Next time you get subpoenaed to go to court just tell them what the president tells them...

"I am immune from such subpoenas. You can't force me to testify"

See how well that works out for you or I.

Welcome to Detroit

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