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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thousands Laid Off In California

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California has moved to end a budget crisis by sacking 22,000 state workers and ordering pay cuts for 200,000.

The most populous state in the US faces a budget deficit of more than $15 billion, and legislators are struggling to agree a spending plan.

The cuts, which will save $100m a month, are designed to put pressure on politicians to end the budget crisis.



Like I said in an earlier article, you would think I would be against this.

No way, making California state solvent and not raising taxes for it's citizens is a bold and ballsy move.

I think this is the exact right way to govern a fiscal problem.

I normally hate republican policy but this guy has it right.

This is going to make things happen and fast...I like his style AND his freaky ring.

He goes on, stating his responsibility and accountability to his post.


"This is not an action I take lightly but we do not have a budget and, as governor, I have a responsibility to make sure our state has enough money to pay its bills."

Man I love this guy...says he is going to do something, that he is upholding his office and then does it.

Imagine if all elected officials did what they swore oath to.

Welcome to Detroit

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