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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Michigan Unemployment Compared To The Rest Of You Slackers

NOTE:Click on the pics to get the legends, I ain't gonna change the whole dang blog for three stupid spreadsheets.

Hey you slackers in the other 49 , c'mon and just try and beat us...


While looking for work I get bored and look at other interesting sites like the unemployment data above from the government.

The national unemployment average was listed as 5.7% for 2008 and 4.6% for 2007...well thats a whole 1.1% higher, somebody is doing their job right in Washington.

Michigan for 2008 an astounding 8.5% currently. (This month alone shows 9.1% as the current prediction for Michigan but that goes up and down apparently as data is pulled)

When you consider most homes are two income homes since the 60's when all this lack of government capability to do basic accounting AND keep the GNP worth something...the 8.5% actually is probably effecting twice that amount of families or 17% of Michiganders being effected, now that only counts working lets throw in say 2 kids...I don't have enough toes to count that high a percentage.

So in Michigan we have 8.5% flat out of work, 17% or more directly impacted by the previous 8.5% and throwing 2 kids that could be considered 34% effected by layoffs of the initial 8.5% (a guesstimate just for arguments sake.)

Dare we throw in the supporting businesses whom supply that 34% with goods who will now see a drop off in purchases?

Dare we extrapolate what happens when they need to layoff and close?

It sends shivers down my spine to think how tenuous the economic situation in Michigan is.

P.S. Puerto Rico was the only U.S. possession and/or state to beat Michigan with 11.3% but that stands to reason because since they don't get to vote no one in Washington gives a crap about them.

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