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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Leaders Speaking Truth Step Forward

Top Republican says Palin unready

Senator Chuck Hagel could be influential with independent voters
Senior Republican Senator Chuck Hagel has voiced doubts about Sarah Palin's qualifications for the vice-presidency.

John McCain's running mate "doesn't have any foreign policy credentials", Mr Hagel told the Omaha World-Herald.

Mr Hagel was a prominent supporter of Mr McCain during his 2000 bid for the US presidency, but has declined to endorse either candidate this year.
He was opposed to the Iraq War, and recently joined Mr McCain's rival Barack Obama on a Middle East trip.

Mr Hagel also criticised the McCain campaign for its suggestion that the proximity of Alaska to Russia gave Mrs Palin foreign policy experience.

"I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, 'I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia'," he said.

"That kind of thing is insulting to the American people."



Finally a Republican leader who speaks the truth backed by common sense.

Chuck Hagel and Ron Paul are what the Republican party are SUPPOSED to be about.

There are so few real leaders anymore but these two gentlemen are just that...Leaders and leaders not afraid to buck party lines to state the obvious.

Welcome To Detroit

McCain Promises Monkey Farts And Rainbows.

McCain promises prosperity

John McCain and Sarah Palin pumped up the faithful in Republican country Wednesday night, promising the GOP ticket won't raise taxes, will keep America safe and will restore Detroit to a pre-eminent place as the hub of the global auto industry.



He forgot to say "read my lips".

The Republican party hard their chance to not raise taxes, and they did it anyway.

Had their chance to keep America safe and couldn't.

Had 8 years to restore Detroit to it's "pre-eminent place" and ignored it.

Case in point:
Earlier in the day, McCain made an unannounced visit to a General Motors Corp. assembly plant in Orion Township, where the Chevy Malibu is made, and issued his strongest statements to date in favor of a $25 billion federal loan package for the auto industry, which he earlier opposed.

More flotsam:
Palin spoke about the need to advance alternative energy to power Michigan-made vehicles.
"I know a little bit about energy and that's going to be my baby when I get to Washington D.C.," she said.


McCain has flopped more times then my Grandma's pancakes and Palin well you'll have a baby alright it just wont be energy.

Aside from collecting a annual check from the oil companies that every Alaskan gets what does she know about energy? What?

McCain covered for Palin's pale responses:
Asked during a question-and-answer session about her foreign policy experience, with fewer than two years as Alaska's governor, Palin said she'll be ready to lead.
"Ask about any country. You can even play stump the candidate if you want to," she said.
Chimed in McCain: "She understands our national security challenge ... she's absolutely qualified to address every challenge."

Some voices of reason were present to prove women aren't impressed.
Ryan McCarthy, a 31-year-old factory worker and Obama backer who stopped in to see the show because he lives in the neighborhood, said he won't vote for the GOP ticket because "McCain is Bush."

Sen. Debbie Stabenow said of McCain's visit: "He has said 16 times the fundamentals of the economy are strong," which indicates he's out of touch with Michigan voters.

Welcome To Detroit

Granholm Will Make Citizens Foot The Bill Power Companies Should Be Paying.

State's electric rates going up

Legislature OKs package raising bills by up to 12%, requiring more renewable power sources; gov to sign it.

An energy package that will raise residential electric rates by up to 12 percent, require more electricity to be generated by renewable sources and put a cap on competition to the major utilities won final passage in the Legislature Thursday.

Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who has been pushing for expansion of renewable energy for months, will sign the two bills in the long-awaited energy plan "as soon as they reach her desk," spokeswoman Liz Boyd said.

DTE officials said the average ratepayer who has a $75-a-month electric bill will pay an additional $6 to $6.50 monthly next year and $8 to $9 a month in the fifth year as a result of the legislation.

Consumers Energy plans to put up a $2-billion coal-fired plant and DTE wants to construct an $8-billion nuclear plant.

Competition from alternative electric companies will be limited to 10 percent of the total market. "The legislation has provided the certainty necessary to construct new power plants," said DTE Chairman Anthony Earley Jr.

The strict limits on competition "will create the largest residential rate increase in Michigan's history," said Barry Cargill, executive director of the Customer Choice Coalition, a group of businesses that favor competition. He estimates the overall impact of the two bills will be an increase of $475 million a year for utility customers, which amounts to $13 a month for DTE customers and a little less for Consumers ratepayers.

Sen. Wayne Kuipers, R-Holland, who voted against the bills, said: "This will result in massive rate hikes at a time when we can least afford it." He said in the wake of 8.9 percent unemployment in the state "what do you say to those who have just lost their jobs and now ask, 'How can I pay for this?' "



WTF Granholm !?!?!

9% of the state is unemployed and as much as 11% of Detroit and you will raise our price on power 12% ?

Do you have a growth on your brain or something?

Why the hell should Michigan citizens be DEMANDED to foot the bill for new power plant construction that the power companies should be paying....Ford, GM and Chrysler don't ask me for money for new plants....oh wait bad example, yes they do....banks don't demand money from me when they have foreclosed loans....uhmm wait another bad example.

I guess nationalising everything IS the way to go.

It would just be wrong for us to ask poor poor power companies known for never making a profit large enough to pay for their own improvements and to further ensure they remain a monopoly by changing the law to limit competition of new alternative energy improvements facilities to a mere 10%.

How very far sighted Jenny...why didn't you offer massive tax breaks for those up and coming breakthrough companies to COME to Michigan and invest in its people and technology...why do you think Compuware and GM are in Detroit,?

The beautiful scenery?

No they are here because Detroit makes massive concessions to get and keep them here.

Jenny do you have stock in the current power companies or what?

The amount of jobs to be gained by making them a virtual monopoly is so ridiculously low that it will never justify you signing this bill into law.

Nice to know you can destroy a few more lives before leaving office.

And by the way to those folks who see me bashing Republicans constantly , Jennifer Granholm is a Democrat, a crappy, back dealing, self serving Democrat but a Democrat none the less....what a embarrassment to the party.

Welcome To Detroit

Sarah Palin Chooses REALLY Bad Email Names.

A group called Anonymous has claimed responsibility for the hacking of Mrs Palin's Yahoo e-mail.

The hacking comes amid questions about whether Mrs Palin used personal e-mail to conduct state business.

According to law, all e-mails relating to the official business of government must be archived and not destroyed. However, personal e-mails can be deleted.

Mrs Palin is currently under investigation in Alaska for alleged abuse of power while governor.

It posted five screenshots, two digital photos of Mrs Palin's family and an address book to the whistle-blowing Wikileaks website. The information was taken from Ms Palin's e-mail account.

One message exposed is apparently an exchange between Mrs Palin and the deputy governor of Alaska, Sean Parnell, who is seeking election to Congress.

Another is between Mrs Palin and friend Amy McCorkell, in which the latter says she is praying for the governor and adds: "Don't let the negative press get you down!"

The family photographs of the Palins posted on Wikileaks are not thought to have previously been in the public domain.

Subsequent investigation has shown that the account has been shut down along with another,, also owned by Mrs Palin.



First of all, why is Sarah so idiotic about her "anonymous" email names?

C'mon! and ...what kind of moron does this?

I forgot, its ego...only ego would have driven someone to let the WHOLE world know that their anonymous private email account if from the Governor.

How many Governor Sarahs and Governor Palins are there on the internet...DUH!

You never see or

On the plus side at least she didn't use something riske` like or

Also to Anonymous, although I personally do not condone crime...civil disobedience like this is almost always appreciated by the masses.

The general public appreciates a thumb of the nose to authority figures, it is what makes us American and gives Anonymous the appearance of a Robin Hood mentality.

Others would argue it as Palin's right to privacy stolen but is it so different if Palin's pro-life stance stole that choice from every woman in this country?

Or that the GOP would have persons whom were foreclosed on unable to vote?

And again, it probably never would have happened if she was the least bit tech savvy.

John McCain doesn't know where the Internet is but hears those dang teens talking about that inter-thingy and Sarah Palin uses anonymous log in names so ridiculously easy to decipher as to be cracked by what is possibly a collection of kids from a junior high school some where.

Are these the people we really want with their fingers on the button?

Googles collection of current stories on this.

Welcome To Detroit