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Friday, September 5, 2008

Republican Campaign Doesn't Care Much For Asking, They Just Take, Take, Take

Ann and Nancy Wilson are hoping the Republicans change their tune—and aren't planning on waiting until November to find out.

The sisterly duo known as Heart sent a cease-and-desist notice to the McCain-Palin campaign Thursday afternoon after their hit "Barracuda" was used—twice—without permission as the official rallying cry for the vice presidential candidate after her nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.

The song was chosen as a would-be cute tie-in to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's past—"Barracuda" was her high school nickname.

Only problem, campaign officials failed to ask either the group, Universal Music Publishing or Sony BMG whether the song was fair game to use. It wasn't.

"We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music," the Heart duo said in a statement. "We hope our wishes will be honored."

The Wilsons added that permission to use the song was never requested, nor would it have been granted.


"I think it's completely unfair to be so misrepresented," Nancy Wilson Entertainment Weekly Magazine Thursday night. "I feel completely f--ked over."

"Sarah Palin's views and values in NO WAY represent us as American women. We ask that our song 'Barracuda' no longer be used to promote her image...[It] was written in the late '70s as a scathing rant against the soulless, corporate nature of the music business, particularly for women...There's irony in Republican strategists' choice to make use of it there."


And the Stealing continues....



Last week, right before Republican presidential candidate John McCain introduced the world to his running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, in Dayton, Ohio, he strutted out to the sounds of Van Halen’s “Right Now.” A few hours later,Van Halen’s publicist told MTV News that the POTUS hopeful was never granted permission to use the track, and had permission been sought, it would never have been granted.


I friggin' love of the best bands from the 70's as far as I am concerned.

But as much as I love the original Van Halen line up...I never could stand them with Sammy Hagar...they were both better off when the were separate acts.

Regardless I tip my hat to both bands for standing up for themselves...most bands now would just be thrilled with the free publicity.

Welcome To Detroit

Rats Leave The Ship When?....When It Sinks

Detroit Police Chief Ella Bully-Cummings and Sharon McPhail quickly answered the question swirling Thursday around City Hall: Who goes?

McPhail, general counsel to Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, and Bully-Cummings announced their resignations shortly after Kilpatrick pleaded guilty to two felony charges of obstruction of justice.

Now the question for many like interim Water Director Anthony Adams remains: Who stays?

Adams is one of about 125 political appointees who serve at the pleasure of the mayor.


Amru Meah, director of the Buildings and Safety Engineering Department, said when asked for his reaction: "I'm too choked up."

Kandia Milton, Kilpatrick's chief of staff and childhood friend, declined to reveal plans.

"I'm committed to working with Mayor Kilpatrick in transitioning city government," Milton said.


Rats leave a ship when?....When it sinks.

Goodbye and good riddance. Time to get a real job.

Welcome To Detroit

Cheney Wants More Business For Halliburton

Cheney Pledges Support for Ukraine

As tensions with Moscow continued over Russia’s invasion of Georgia last month, Vice President Dick Cheney renewed Washington’s backing for Ukraine on Friday, asserting America’s claim to act as a guarantor in country that was part of the former Soviet Union.

Mr. Cheney’s pledge, offered during a visit here, coincided with the arrival of a United States Navy command ship, the Mount Whitney, off the Black Sea port of Poti, close to positions taken by the Russian military in last month’s invasion.

American officials said the warship was delivering blankets and other relief supplies, but Russia immediately questioned whether its presence contravened international agreements, dating to 1936 and governing access by military vessels to the Black Sea.

Mr. Cheney reiterated, in some of the strongest language yet, administration statements that Russia had jeopardized its international standing.

“Russia’s actions have cast grave doubt on Russia’s intentions and on its reliability as an international partner, not just in Georgia but across this region and indeed throughout the international system,” he said.

His remarks drew a sharp riposte from Moscow Friday. “The new promises to Tbilisi relating to the speedy membership of NATO simply strengthened the Saakashvili regime’s dangerous feelings of impunity and encourages its dangerous ambitions,” the Russian foreign ministry spokesman, Andrei Nesterenko, said.



What the hell is wrong with Cheney?

What does this have to do with the U.S. interests?...nothing.

Does he not realize his arguments are exactly the kind of criticism the U.S has received because of Afghani and Iraqi occupations?

What la la land do you have to come from to be this idiotic?

Oh wait....I see....Halliburton could profit from yet another U.S. Military operation OR is this just wag the we need another imaginary enemy invented in order to coincide with Republican re-election aspirations?


In that light, one expert said, Mr. Cheney’s presence is potentially an aggravating factor.

“Given Cheney’s reputation in Moscow, given his rhetorical history, sending him to Georgia risks escalating the situation,” Clifford Kupchan of the Eurasia Group, a consultancy in Washington, said. “We’re in a stage of mutual overreaction.”


Dick Cheney

Detroit Daily Dirt's Tool of the Month for September 2008

Welcome To Detroit

Unemployment Hits 5 Year High

Unemployment Rate Hits 5-Year High 
As Economy Continues to Shed Jobs

The U.S. jobless rate jumped in August to a nearly five-year high as employment fell for an eighth-straight month, raising the risk of recession as households face a struggling labor market and high inflation.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated using a separate survey of households, soared 0.4 percentage point to 6.1%, the highest since September 2003. The unemployment rate was under 5% as recently as February. According to the household survey, employment fell by 342,000 while unemployment rose by 592,000.



Ah trickle down economics in its full glory...this is exhausting watching the greatest nation on the planet being sold out to foreign labor markets.

How many jobs are being moved overseas by American companies in order to get a better bottom line, see my previous article on GM, they spent over 5 billion between India and China...what has GM spent in the US making plants?...I won't ever buy another GM vehicle again.

GM has no faith in Americans, why should Americans have faith in GM?

It's hardly a GM problem, ALL the American auto companies do extremely well overseas or won't see many of those reports.

Automotive manufacturers want a government bail out for their failed domestic sales campaigns yet consistently sell out Americans for a dollar.

Goodbye American auto in Detroit we DO know whats going on...your U.S. sales will continue to fall, you've lost your best customers AND employees here in the U.S. because of your greed....I wonder when the Indians and Chinese will organize into unions and thwart your turncoat policies?

Next time you need.....I mean want... a bail out ask China's beloved leader or India's Prime Minister, but don't beg the American people.

To those who would declare me un-American for no longer buying American had better look around your house first.

Take a look at every product you have from the big screen TV to your hand tools in your garage to the underwear wrapping your nasty pee-pee and look for the "Made in China" label.

When shopping try to stop buying anything that says "Made in China" on it.


Your furniture, your clothes, your electronics, your toys...virtually everything you own was made in China.

Count how many things say "Made in the U.S.A" in your house....did it fill up both your hands with products?

Don't call me un-American when your as bad a consumer.

This is how its been done for the last 50 years. I want it cheaper and I want it now.

So where does this diatribe end? What is he rambling on about? When will he shut his dang cake hole?

Here it is...the citizenry of the U.S. is totally responsible for the U.S. economic recession and the continually rising U.S. unemployment.

Our sleepy headed complacency with federal, corporate and state leaders as they sold us out inch by inch and our out of control consumerist need for cheaper and newer products have brought us to this point.

We allowed it because we wanted and wanted and wanted.

What do you really need to get by?

Your boat? Your 3rd car? Your summer home? The latest and greatest electronic toy?

Has your phone ever loved you back?

In a year or two what dresser drawer will you throw your obsolete phone into?....Will the dresser say "Made In China" like your phone does?

Welcome To Detroit