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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Does The GOP Wants To Pick And Choose Who Can Vote?

Voter eligibility goes to court: Last week, a report on the Michigan Messenger, a Web-based news site, quoted a Republican county chairman in Michigan saying the party was going to challenge the voting status of homeowners who had faced foreclosure. State party officials later denied the report, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy the Obama campaign and its lead lawyer, Perkins Coie’s Bob Bauer. The Obama campaign filed a suit Monday to limit the ability of Republicans to challenge the eligibility of voters in Michigan. Here’s the WSJ report.

Bauer said he had evidence that Michigan Republicans were engaging in a “particularly ugly brand” of voter challenging, using lists of foreclosed homeowners to compile a voter roll that could be used to challenge the residency of citizens who show up at the polls in November. Bauer field suit in federal court in eastern Michigan on behalf of the campaign and three Michigan residents in foreclosure procedures, seeking an injunction to stop the activity.

In an interview with the WSJ, James Carabelli, the Republican Party Chairman of Macomb County, denied making such comments. But Bauer said that, despite the denials, “It’s impossible to believe something this explicit was made up.”



So If you lost your home because of the piss poor Michigan economy, you probably are going to vote for the Democratic party...looks like the GOP doesn't want that to happen and would attempt to take away your right to vote to make sure you don't get that chance.

Can you imagine going to vote at the polls AND BEING TURNED AWAY?....In the United States of America?

Talk about a class separation in this country of the have and have nots...only home owners to vote?

Technically those who rent could fall under this umbrella too...after all if they don't "own" a home their residency could be challenged as well right?

Is this who you want running the country? A party totally prepared to take away your constitutional rights even before they are elected?

Say it can't happen? Oh but it can, you already have lost some your right under the patriot act, you probably just didn't care.

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

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