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Monday, September 14, 2009

Detroit News Can't Connect The Dots

Violent crime on the decline in Detroit, FBI statistics show

Crime dropped in Detroit and in most large Michigan cities in 2008, according to statistics released today by the FBI.

The Michigan statistics were in line with the national trend. Across the United States, violent crimes declined 1.9 percent in 2008 and property crimes dropped 0.8 percent, the FBI reported.

Detroit had 17,428 violent crimes in 2008, down 11.6 percent from 19,708 in 2007, the FBI said. Property crimes in Detroit fell 8.9 percent, to 53,095 from 58,302 in 2007, the bureau said.



Wow...big whoopee doo

What The Detroit News failed to connect the dots on was that population in Detroit has fallen every year at very nearly the same rate.

According to the U.S. census bureau between 2006 and 2007 Detroit's population fell 11%.

11% again between 2005 and 2006.

11% between 2004 and 2005.


You get the idea.

Population for the state of Michigan fell about exactly the same rate.


What was The Detroit News trying to report on?

What kind of a piece of fluff was this?

Didn't they even notice that the crime rate was falling at almost the exact same rate as the population of Detroit?

It took me about 2 minutes to find the facts, didn't they even try?

Did the editor read it?

So you can rest assured, crime probably has not gone down one iota in Detroit in the past year but rather is on the same trend as the exodus leaving the state.

Property crimes in Detroit may have actually risen if 11% of the people left and property crime only fell 8.9%

Welcome To Detroit

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