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Monday, January 11, 2010

The Easiest way to fix U.S. Economy

The Easiest way to fix the U.S. Economy from the financial / mortgage bubble.

I am a big proponent of letting failure and it's respective fallout occur when it comes to corporate entities, the is no such thing as "too big to fail" but rather "to monopolistic to exist".

What happens when you can't pay your debts? You go into receivership and lose assets and any monies you have remaining.

The U.S. federal government should NOT have bailed out any of the banks and mortgage companies from irresponsible and incompetent activities and actions but rather force them to declare themselves bankrupt and hand the assets back to those who invested in the company. i.e. you and your mortgage.

Had all those homes owned by failed mortgage companies and banks been handed back to the owners because their mortgage provider failed they would have instantly had assets of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands back in the home owners hands.

Now imagine a few tens of millions of U.S. citizens with tens of thousands of dollars back in their checking accounts...what would they have done?

I can tell you...the would have begun spending with their new found wealth.

Home owners would have invested, remortgaged, sent kids to college, bought luxury big ticket items, etc, etc, etc.

How did bailing out big ticket CEO's who failed in the first place kick start anything with the economy?

Welcome To Detroit

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