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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

George Bush, King Tool

President Bush on Tuesday commanded lawmakers to lift a ban on offshore oil drilling, saying "the only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action from the U.S. Congress."

Nice way to play the blame game, this is the same line of bullshit that has us looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

"The sooner Congress lifts the ban, the sooner we can get these resources from the ocean floor to the refineries, to the gas pump," the king of the United States said.

"Democratic leaders have been delaying action on offshore exploration, and now they have an opportunity to show that they finally heard the frustrations of the American people," Baby Bush said. "They should match the action I have taken, repeal the congressional ban and pass legislation to facilitate responsible offshore exploration."

Aren't his buddies who run the support businesses for the war making enough money? I guess he wants his oil company buddies to make some serious coin too, even though prices wouldn't be effected for at least ten years, it isn't like you throw these offshore rigs into place and BOING! , oils comes springing out.

Bush also wanted the U.S. to land on Mars, a pale imitation of Kennedy's man on the moon objective during his tenure but for Bush it went over like a PR lead balloon. Besides this just another pathetic smoke and mirrors strategy to blind everyone to the thousands of dead Americans on his failed and flawed mid-east policies and a crumbling economy for a country that was at the end of the Clinton administration in the black for national debt.

This "blame the democrats for oil buried under the sea floor" is the same thing. Sorry Georgie I won't be falling for it, your a loser of epic proportions that history will make note of and thousands dead cry from their graves at your political agenda attempts at distraction.

If we can't put some serious research into a new and viable energy source that WON'T profit his oil company buddies we won't be going to Mars anytime soon OR bring gas prices down with oil rigs that won't be surveyed, built, towed and in place for another decade.

Welcome to Detroit.

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