I must say these folks were way better than the ones at Quest. When I went to Quest I was made to feel like a criminal by their staff, I when I say staff I mean the people who handle urine for a living. Imagine being talked down like I already have giving a positive sample by the people who "handle urine" for a living.
Anyhow the folks at this place I went today were so much better, just nice. Have some common courtesy is all I ask, I don't want to be peeing in a cup, you don't want to be handling pee in a cup, let's just all at least smile and make it pleasant.
After all we are pleasing both the corporation and the insurance industry involved, neither of which will be at our next birthday or funeral.
A whole cottage industry set up to handle urine based on the assumption everyone who makes under 100k a year must be a drug addict.
At any rate, I took my camera with me, here is some of the scenery in my neighborhood.
Welcome to Detroit.
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