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Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Web Has The Ability To Dispense Justice Without Spin

I saw a good albeit small article today at the Detroit Freepress, source.

It contends that Youtube and videophones have been used as incredibly powerful evidence in court, or just the public court of opinion.

Watch this video, a bicycle rally in NYC and a cop with penis envy or a Napoleon complex or severely repressed homosexual urges or more likely some combination of all three...this cop alleged the bicyclist aimed his bike at him so he had to take him down.

The cyclist was arrested and charged. Later this video surfaced, was seen by about a million people and now the cop had his badge and gun taken from him. The cop is lucky he didn't kill this guy...he'll never work as a cop again...and that makes me glad.

My point here is corruption is everywhere, if we don't watch out for each other we won't get the justice we have a constitutional right to.

This cop in NYC is case in point, he would have gotten away with assault on this innocent man had a video phone and Youtube not been around and more importantly had the good samaritan not taken the few minutes to register at Youtube and post it.

The smoking gun has some great detail about the report and how the cyclist was in jail for 26 hours including a copy of the police report.

Welcome to Detroit

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