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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Christine Beatty's Last Chance To Do The Right Thing...She Opted To Keep Her Chili Hole Shut

Beatty takes Fifth Amendment in records lawsuit

Christine Beatty, the former chief of staff to Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, exercised her rights under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and refused to answer nearly all questions put to her at a sworn deposition Wednesday morning, a lawyer said.

Beatty took the Fifth in response to questions about whether she once carried a city-leased SkyTel pager, about text messages exchanged with the mayor and other city officials, and about a city directive that said city employees should not assume they have any privacy rights in connection with electronic messages sent with city equipment.



Well here it was, Christine Beatty's last chance to do the right thing, she opted to continue to be Kwami Kilpatrick's puppet and favorite tool...way to go Christine, I am sure your family, school, friends. etc all must be so proud to have your acquaintance.

Testimony is going on right now in the hearing to remove Kwami (remember Christine? he is your old married boyfriend) and testimony indicates "a woman" called Skytel to order them not to release the text messages in spite of 4 count 'em 4 subpoenas demanding them...was that you Christine?

Did you fall on the sword yet again for Kwami?...could you be convinced to do such a thing?

Wasn't there a ethics class at Howard University or Wayne State University you had to complete...just how or why did you get nominated as most popular student at Cass Tech High School.

If this behaviour is indicative of the class of people governing the city of Detroit or the typical graduate of Cass Tech High, Wayne State University or Howard University....I want no part of any of them.

Note: Per Comments this was pointed out as being a sweeping generalization, I retract this statement it is unfair to judge these schools in such a sweeping manner. - Veritas Mansuras

I could learn better ethics from Saturday morning cartoons.

Welcome To Detroit

1 comment:

  1. Leave Cass Tech, Wayne State and Howard University out of it, please. Don't condemn an entire institution because of a bad apple here and there.
