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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Starbucks sees 'light at the end of the tunnel'

Capitalism 101

If you expand beyond the ability to logistically support and/or improve the goal(s) you sought to obtain initially, failure is imminent when critical mass is achieved.

I just made that up, wow that sounds good...and I STILL can't get a job.

What all that jazz up there means is this:

You can only expand so much...period...ever...always...with everything
......and then collapse is inevitable.



Starbucks explains why the little people pay for big peoples mistakes:

"The results come one day after Starbucks said it will eliminate 1,000 non-retail jobs as part of its efforts to boost profits by cutting costs. The company also previously announced it's closing 600 underperforming stores with the first 50 being shuttered this month."

P.S. under performing is two words not one...and I STILL don't have a job, but I digress.

Just like the sun never sets on the British Empire.

Expansionism WILL inevitably reach a state of critical mass where it will collapse.

The real estate scenario we see in the U.S. is expansionism for financial reasons.

The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan is expansionism for energy reasons.

Don't get me wrong...I am not anti-American.

I am pro-American, pro-Democratic, pro-Capitalism.

I am anti-how they fucked up my country for greed alone.

Starbucks' expansion (as an example) and U.S. political and economic collapse is analogous of methods and mentalities that got us in the fucked up mess in the first place.

"What?" You say "No way just ain't so."

Let's play a game:

Examine any recent or relatively modern U.S. political or U.S. corporate blunder...ask if they were trying to expand (influence, power, product, whatever) and then reread what I wrote.

Capitalism 101

If you expand beyond the ability to logistically support and/or improve the goal(s) you sought to obtain initially, failure is imminent when critical mass is achieved.

How come I see this and none of my elected officials do?

Oh yeah...Greed.

Welcome to Detroit.

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